Bitget Bites-2023年3月2日
截至凌晨 3:30(UTC):
全球加密货币市场市值: 1.07万亿美元 (+0.28%)
24小时成交量: 483.7亿美元 (+8.32%)
恐惧与贪婪指数: 51/中性
资产 |
最新价格 |
24小时高点 |
24小时低点 |
涨跌幅 |
Bitcoin (BTC) |
23459美元 |
23884美元 |
23357美元 |
+0.44% |
Ethereum (ETH) |
1651.13美元 |
1670.69美元 |
1628.34美元 |
+1.40% |
Bitget Token (BGB) |
0.430375美元 |
0.438182美元 |
0.419911美元 |
+2.49% |
币种 |
最新价格 |
24小时高点 |
24 小时低点 |
涨跌幅 |
标签 |
No. 1 |
0.371758 美元 |
0.390013美元 |
0.22美元 |
+57.12% |
Lending, Optimism |
No. 2 |
0.1085美元 |
0.1134美元 |
0.08美元 |
+39.50% |
DeFi, DAO |
No. 3 |
0.1305美元 |
0.189美元 |
0.0688美元 |
+37.22% |
GameFi, P2E |
注册并在 Bitget 交易最热门的资产!
截至凌晨 3:30(UTC):
加密货币期货未平仓合约:35.6 亿美元 (-1.14%)
BTC 期货未平仓合约:23.9亿美元 (-0.39%)
BTC 持仓量优势:67.11%
BTC 24小时交易量: 200,658.38美元 (+11.98%)
BTC 多空比:61.20%/38.80%
注册并在 Bitget 交易最热门的资产!
Staking Vs Reflection: What Are the Differences?
Beginner's Guide to Using TradingView to Trade Crypto on Bitget Strategy Trading
Learn and Earn: Bitget x Haloworld (HALO) Launchpad
Buy Crypto with 0 Fees and KYC-free, 50,000 BGB up for Grabs!
Trade New Pairs to Split 20,000 USDT!
Join Bitget internal AMA with AZERO, win 5200 AZERO!
Bitget AI Day : 50,000 BGB Up for Grabs!
Learn Launchpad, Grab a Share of the 20,000 USDT Prize Pool
Get 50% Cashback, up to 200 USDT, on your First Deposit
Join Win-Win-Win with Haloworld, and Win $6100 USDT
Don't just HODL, make your assets grow on Bitget - earn passive income with ease!
Bitget Hong Kong Zone Week —— Trade HK Zone Token, Only @Bitget!
Bitget Will List Doge KaKi (KAKI) in the Innovation Zone - Share $15,000 worth of Rewards!
Bitget Will List Voxel X Network (VOX) in the Innovation Zone and SHIB Zone
Bitget Will List Echelon Prime (PRIME1) in the Innovation Zone - Share $15,000 worth of Rewards!
Bitget Launchpool is LIVE: $15,000 AZERO Prize to Win Starred with Aleph Zero (AZERO)!
Bitget x Haloworld (HALO) Launchpad: Geared Up for Takeoff!
Bitget Will List Level Finance (LVL) in the Innovation Zone - Share $10,000 Worth of Rewards!
Bitget Will List Aleph Zero (AZERO) in the Public Chain Zone - Share 6,300 AZERO 5,000 USDT!
Bitget Will List Liquity (LQTY) in the Innovation Zone - Share $15,000 Worth of Rewards!
Bitget Will List Smart Game Finance (SMART) in the Innovation Zone - Share 4,945 SMART 5,000 USDT!
还不是Bitget用户?立即注册以获得更多交易见解和 5005 美元的奖励!
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