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Preço de Illuvium

Preço de IlluviumILV

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Preço de Illuvium hoje

O preço em tempo real do token Illuvium é de $17.45 por (ILV / USD). Sua capitalização de mercado atual é de -- USD. Seu volume de trading em 24 horas é de $0.00 USD. O preço de ILV em USD atualizado em tempo real. Illuvium variou 2.77% nas últimas 24 horas. Sua oferta circulante atual é de -- .

Qual é o preço mais alto do token ILV?

ILV tem uma máxima histórica de $735.17, registrada em .

Qual é o preço mais baixo do token ILV?

ILV tem uma mínima histórica (ATL) de $14.85, registrada em .
Calcular o lucro de Illuvium

Previsão de preço do token Illuvium

Qual é o melhor momento para comprar ILV? Devo comprar ou vender ILV agora?

Antes de comprar ou vender ILV, avalie suas estratégias de trading. As atividades dos traders de longo e curto prazo também podem apresentar diferenças. A análise técnica de Análise técnica de ILV na Bitget na Bitget pode fornecer referências de trading.
De acordo com a análise técnica de ILV em 4 horas, o sinal de trading é Neutro.
De acordo com Análise técnica de ILV em 1 dia, o sinal de trading é Venda.
De acordo com Análise técnica de ILV em 1 semana, o sinal de trading é Venda.

Qual será o preço do token ILV em 2026?

Com base no modelo de previsão do desempenho histórico de preços de ILV, estima-se que o preço de ILV atinja $18.33 em 2026.

Qual será o preço do token ILV em 2031?

Em 2031, espera-se que o preço de ILV varie em +22.00%. Ao final de 2031, estima-se que o preço de ILV atinja $30.57, com um ROI acumulado de +75.27%.

Histórico de preços de Illuvium (USD)

O preço de Illuvium variou -85.21% no último ano. O preço mais alto de ILV em USD no último ano foi $162.9 e o preço mais baixo de ILV em USD no último ano foi $14.85.
PeríodoVariação de preço (%)Variação de preço (%)Preço mais baixoO preço mais baixo de {0} no período correspondente.Preço mais alto Preço mais alto
Todo o período-97.56%$14.85(--, Hoje )$735.17(--, Hoje )

Informações de mercado de Illuvium

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Mercado de Illuvium

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  • Volume em 24h
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  • 1
  • Spot
  • 17.44
  • $86.58K
  • Operar
  • Illuvium - Total de ativos por concentração


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    Sobre Illuvium (ILV)

    O que é o Illuvium?

    O Illuvium é um jogo de role-playing (RPG) de mundo aberto que cativou o setor das criptomoedas com a sua integração inovadora da tecnologia de blockchain. Sendo uma plataforma descentralizada construída sobre a rede do Ethereum, aproveita as proezas da blockchain Immutable X, oferecendo aos utilizadores uma estrutura perfeita e sem taxas para se envolverem num ecossistema digital vibrante. Este jogo de blockchain, caracterizado pela sua estrutura play-to-earn, permite aos utilizadores ganharem tokens ILV, a criptomoeda nativa da rede Illuvium, através de várias atividades no jogo.

    O jogo Illuvium, passado num universo de ficção científica, oferece uma narrativa rica onde os jogadores assumem o papel de caçadores, explorando um mundo alienígena para descobrirem os seus segredos e capturarem criaturas míticas conhecidas como Illuvials. Estas criaturas, representadas como tokens não fungíveis (NFTs), podem ser recolhidas, trocadas e utilizadas em batalhas, promovendo uma experiência de jogo dinâmica. O Illuvium promete ser um paraíso, tanto para os entusiastas dos jogos como para os investidores em criptomoedas, fundindo os domínios dos jogos e das finanças numa unidade coesa, frequentemente designada por GameFi.


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    Como é que o Illuvium funciona?

    No centro da jogabilidade de Illuvium está a interação com os Illuvials, criaturas semelhantes a divindades com habilidades únicas e afinidades com os elementos. Os jogadores podem capturar estas criaturas, armazená-las em fragmentos de cristal e até fundi-las para criar entidades mais poderosas. O jogo apresenta uma variedade de classes e afinidades, cada uma oferecendo diferentes habilidades e bónus, encorajando assim os jogadores a criarem estratégias e equipas poderosas para as batalhas.

    O Illuvium funciona num modelo "play-to-earn", em que os jogadores podem ganhar tokens ILV através de competições e missões. O jogo também apresenta uma corretora descentralizada, o IlluviDEX, que facilita o trading de ativos do jogo e tokens ILV. Além disso, o jogo oferece uma arena de batalhas multiplayer, onde os utilizadores podem competir para ganhar recompensas em ILV e subirem na classificação.

    Construído com o Unreal Engine 4.26, o Illuvium oferece uma experiência de jogo visualmente deslumbrante com gráficos 3D de alta qualidade e tempos de processamento rápidos. A infraestrutura de backend, alojada na Amazon Web Services (AWS), assegura a escalabilidade e uma experiência de jogo sem falhas. A integração com o Immutable X permite transações rápidas e elimina os gas fees, melhorando a experiência de jogo ao eliminar atrasos frequentes nas transações.

    O que é o token ILV?

    O token ILV serve como token de governança e utility token dentro do ecossistema Illuvium. Embora não seja necessário para o jogo, o token ILV facilita a governança por meio de uma organização autónoma descentralizada (DAO), conhecida como Conselho Illuvinati. Os detentores de tokens podem participar no processo de governança, propondo e votando em várias melhorias do ecossistema.

    Além disso, os tokens ILV podem ser investidos em staking para obter rendimentos de distribuição, promovendo o envolvimento da comunidade e a descentralização da DAO. O programa de mineração de liquidez do Illuvium visa incentivar os primeiros e os novos adotantes a participarem ativamente na comunidade, oferecendo recompensas lucrativas para o staking de tokens. Além disso, o jogo apresenta uma versão sintética do token ILV, o sILV, utilizado como moeda do jogo, mas que não permite transações entre jogadores.

    Impacto do Illuvium nas finanças

    O surgimento da Illuvium representa um marco significativo na indústria de jogos em blockchain, possivelmente inaugurando uma nova era de sinergia entre jogos online e criptomoedas. Sendo o primeiro projeto a oferecer uma experiência de jogo com classificação AAA na blockchain, representa uma mudança de paradigma na indústria de gaming, integrando elementos financeiros no ecossistema dos jogos.

    O projeto tem atraído uma atenção significativa, com uma notável capitalização de mercado e uma elevada procura de tokens ILV, indicando um futuro promissor. Ao fundir os mundos das criptomoedas e dos jogos, o Illuvium está preparado para atrair um público diversificado, incluindo jogadores hardcore e entusiastas de cripto, assim como o público em geral, potencialmente revolucionando a dinâmica financeira da indústria de jogos.

    O que determina o preço do Illuvium?

    No mundo dinâmico dos mercados de criptomoedas, o preço de ativos como o Illuvium (ILV) é influenciado por uma série de fatores profundamente enraizados na tecnologia de blockchain em que opera. Um dos principais determinantes do preço do Illuvium é o princípio fundamental de oferta e procura no espaço financeiro descentralizado (DeFi). Sendo um ativo baseado em blockchain, a escassez de tokens ILV pode potencialmente aumentar a procura, especialmente considerando o seu papel central no ecossistema de gaming do Illuvium. Tanto investidores como jogadores seguem de perto as tendências do mercado, e um aumento da participação do utilizador na plataforma Illuvium pode significar uma tendência bullish para o token ILV.

    O sentimento do mercado é outro fator crucial que pode influenciar o preço do Illuvium no mercado de criptomoedas. No sector da blockchain, notícias, desenvolvimentos e a perceção da comunidade desempenham um papel significativo na definição do valor dos ativos digitais. O Illuvium, estando na intersecção dos jogos e das finanças, pode assistir a oscilações de preços com base em atualizações, parcerias e marcos alcançados pelo projeto. Além disso, as tendências mais amplas do mercado das criptomoedas, incluindo o desempenho das principais criptomoedas, como a Bitcoin e o Ethereum, podem ter um efeito de arrastamento na trajetória de preços do ILV, dada a sua integração na rede Ethereum.

    Além disso, a utilidade e as funcionalidades do token ILV dentro do ecossistema Illuvium podem ser fatores importantes na determinação do seu preço. Sendo um token de governança que facilita a tomada de decisões descentralizadas e um utility token que oferece benefícios no jogo, o token ILV possui valor intrínseco no espaço dos jogos de blockchain. A sua integração com o modelo "play-to-earn", em que os utilizadores podem obter tokens ILV através de várias atividades no jogo, cria uma ligação tangível entre os resultados do jogo e as recompensas financeiras. À medida que a plataforma Illuvium evolui e se expande, incorporando mais recursos e parcerias, poderá potencialmente aumentar a utilidade e, consequentemente, o valor do token ILV no mercado de criptomoedas.

    Dados sociais de Illuvium

    Nas últimas 24 horas, a pontuação do sentimento dos usuários de redes sociais para o token Illuvium foi 3.4, e o sentimento nas redes sociais em relação à tendência de preço do token Illuvium foi Em alta. A pontuação geral do token Illuvium nas redes sociais foi de 8,593. Sua posição no ranking de criptomoedas é 90.

    De acordo com a LunarCrush, nas últimas 24 horas, as criptomoedas foram mencionadas nas redes sociais um total de 1,058,120 vezes. O token Illuvium foi mencionado com uma frequência de 0.02%, classificando-se em 88 no ranking de criptomoedas.

    Nas últimas 24 horas, 734 usuários únicos mencionaram o token Illuvium. O total de menções ao token Illuvium foi de 259. No entanto, em comparação com o período de 24 horas anterior, o número de usuários únicos aumentar 19%, e o número total de menções diminuir 2%.

    No Twitter, houve um total de 8 tweets mencionando Illuvium nas últimas 24 horas. Entre eles, 50% estão otimistas em relação ao token Illuvium, 38% estão pessimistas em relação ao token Illuvium e 13% estão neutros em relação ao token Illuvium.

    No Reddit, houve 59 postagens mencionando Illuvium nas últimas 24 horas. Em comparação com o período de 24 horas anterior, o número de menções aumentar em 2%.

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    Como comprar Illuvium(ILV)

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    Notícias sobre Illuvium

    ILV ultrapassa $70
    ILV ultrapassa $70
    Bitget2024-12-06 16:43
    Pai da música clássica brasileira fala sobre bitcoins perdidos e alerta para cuidados com senhas
    Pai da música clássica brasileira fala sobre bitcoins perdidos e alerta para cuidados com senhas

    A experiência do músico serve de alerta para a importância de práticas seguras no armazenamento de criptomoedas, especialmente para quem lida com valores expressivos.

    Livecoins2024-11-24 18:34
    Mais atualizações sobre Illuvium

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    Perguntas frequentes

    Qual é o preço atual de Illuvium?

    O preço em tempo real de Illuvium é $17.45 por (ILV/USD), com uma capitalização de mercado atual de -- USD. O valor de Illuvium sofre oscilações frequentes devido às atividades 24h do mercado de criptomoedas. O preço atual e os dados históricos de Illuvium estão disponíveis na Bitget.

    Qual é o volume de trading em 24 horas de Illuvium?

    Nas últimas 24 horas, o volume de trading de Illuvium foi --.

    Qual é o recorde histórico de Illuvium?

    A máxima histórica de Illuvium é $735.17. Essa máxima histórica é o preço mais alto para Illuvium desde que foi lançado.

    Posso comprar Illuvium na Bitget?

    Sim, atualmente, Illuvium está disponível na Bitget. Para informações detalhadas, confira nosso guia Como comprar .

    É possível obter lucros constantes ao investir em Illuvium?

    Claro, a Bitget fornece uma plataforma de trading estratégico com robôs de trading para automatizar suas operações e aumentar seus lucros.

    Onde posso comprar Illuvium com a menor taxa?

    Temos o prazer de anunciar que a plataforma de trading estratégico já está disponível na corretora da Bitget. A Bitget é líder de mercado no que diz respeito a taxas de trading e profundidade, o que garante investimentos lucrativos para os traders.

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    Os investimentos em criptomoedas, incluindo a compra de Illuvium na Bitget, estão sujeitos a risco de mercado. A Bitget fornece maneiras fáceis e convenientes para você comprar Illuvium. Fazemos o possível para informar totalmente nossos usuários sobre cada criptomoeda que oferecemos na corretora. No entanto, não somos responsáveis ​​pelos resultados que possam advir da sua compra Illuvium. Esta página e qualquer informação incluída não são um endosso de investimento ou a nenhuma criptomoeda em particular.




    1 ILV = 17.45 USD
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    Bitget Insights

    Top Altcoins to Buy Under $1: Why VRA Token Stands Out
    The crypto space is buzzing with hidden gems like SAND, VRA, GALA and Celestia powering gaming, ad tech, and blockchain innovation. Current price: $0.2877 Market cap:$710.61M The Sandbox, a blockchain-driven virtual world, thrives with its SAND token system. Players craft, trade, and own digital assets using NFTs and DAO governance. Experts note its push to bring blockchain into mainstream gaming draws a growing community. Current price: $15.35 Market cap:$85.81M Illuvium, built on Ethereum , blends open-world exploration with fantasy battles. Players capture and train Illuvials, using ILV tokens for rewards and governance. The game, developed since 2020 by a global team, targets both casual and DeFi enthusiasts. Current price: $0.002022 Market cap:$19.85M Verasity fights advertising fraud while rewarding users for watching videos with VRA tokens. Its ecosystem, backed by AI and blockchain, includes VeraViews and payment tools like VeraWallet. Analysts highlight its 15% staking yields as a draw through April 2024. Current price: $0.01845 Market cap:$682.93M GalaChain bridges assets to Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, broadening its reach. Operators of its Founder’s Nodes earn daily $GALA and voting rights. Meanwhile, The Sandbox and Illuvium tap into gaming, and Verasity reshapes digital ads. Current price: $3.22 Market cap:$1.74B Celestia approach lets builders define their own rules for transaction processing and settlement. Consequently, new blockchains can tap into Celestia’s validator network for instant security. This flexibility sparks experimentation, enabling developers to create specialized or multipurpose chains without external approval. DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.
    2025/02/21 01:05
    Illuvium cuts workforce after underperformance of three Ethereum games Ethereum $ETH-based game developer Illuvium $ILV has recently undergone downsizing, according to Decrypt. This restructuring led to job cuts and some key team members agreeing to salary reductions or opting to be paid in the game's own cryptocurrency. This move follows last year’s launch of three interconnected games that did not elicit much enthusiasm from players. In December, Illuvium had already attempted to lower its operating costs by introducing a salary cap of $85,000 among other changes. However, co-founder Kieran Warwick said this week that deeper reductions were needed.
    2025/02/11 03:04
    Cryptocurrency Market Sees Significant Gains and Losses!!!
    Several cryptocurrencies have experienced notable price movements. Among the top gainers, RPL is currently priced at $8.57, marking an 11.73% increase. LDO is trading at $1.672, up by 9.77%, while RAY has risen to $5.481, reflecting a 9.27% gain. SNX is priced at $1.029, with a 6.96% increase, and ADA stands at $0.746, up by 6.69%. On the other hand, some cryptocurrencies have seen declines. OM is currently at $6.0387, down by 0.75%, and ILV is trading at $20.83, experiencing a 0.33% decrease.
    2025/01/26 14:25
    Competitors to $GAME in Blockchain Gaming – How $GAME Stacks Up The blockchain gaming sector is bec
    Competitors to $GAME in Blockchain Gaming – How $GAME Stacks Up The blockchain gaming sector is becoming increasingly competitive as new projects emerge, each aiming to capitalize on the rapidly growing demand for decentralized gaming experiences, NFTs, and virtual economies. To assess how game stacks up against its competitors, it’s important to consider the leading players in the space and the unique features game brings to the table. Here’s a look at some of the key competitors and how gamw compares. 1. Axie Infinity $AXS Axie Infinity is one of the largest and most well-known names in blockchain gaming, operating on the Ethereum blockchain. It offers a play-to-earn model where players can breed, battle, and trade creatures called Axies. The game also has its own economy built around $AXS and $SLP tokens, which players earn by participating in gameplay. • How game Stacks Up: While Axie Infinity is an industry leader, game can differentiate itself by offering unique gaming experiences or tapping into underserved niches within the blockchain gaming space. For instance, game could introduce more complex and diverse gameplay mechanics, expand into the metaverse, or offer interoperability with multiple blockchain networks, providing greater utility and flexibility for players. If game can lower barriers for new users and simplify onboarding, it could position itself as a more accessible alternative to the often complex mechanisms seen in games like Axie Infinity. 2. Decentraland $MANA Decentraland is a virtual reality platform built on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing players to purchase, build, and trade virtual land and assets. The game’s primary token, $MANA, is used for in-game purchases, land auctions, and transactions within the platform. Decentraland is heavily focused on creating a metaverse experience, where users can create virtual worlds, socialize, and even host events. • How game Stacks Up: While Decentraland focuses on the metaverse and virtual real estate, game could differentiate itself by focusing more on gamified experiences or integrating NFTs in ways that enhance traditional gaming mechanics. $GAME’s value proposition might be in creating an immersive, play-to-earn ecosystem, where users can collect, stake, and trade items tied to gameplay rather than virtual land. Additionally, the potential to integrate cross-game functionalities could give game a competitive edge over platform-specific ecosystems like Decentraland. 3. The Sandbox $SAND Similar to Decentraland, The Sandbox is another virtual world based on the Ethereum blockchain, where users can create and trade NFTs, own land, and engage in metaverse experiences. $SAND, the native token, facilitates transactions within the platform. The game is focused on enabling user-generated content and asset creation in a decentralized world. • How game Stacks Up: game has the opportunity to compete with The Sandbox by offering a more action-focused or narrative-driven gaming experience. While The Sandbox revolves around creating and trading virtual assets, game could provide a more immersive gameplay experience with deeper mechanics, competitive play, and rewards that center on engaging in games rather than just collecting assets. Additionally, by offering an integrated economy or by bridging different gaming ecosystems, game could appeal to a broader audience looking for gaming fun rather than just digital asset creation. 4. Gala Games $GALA Gala Games is a platform focused on providing decentralized gaming experiences, offering games such as TownStar and Mirandus. Gala Games gives players control over in-game assets and allows them to earn rewards through gameplay. The platform is designed to be user-centric, with a focus on giving players the ability to own and control their in-game assets. • How game Stacks Up: Gala Games is a strong competitor with a variety of games in its ecosystem. game could set itself apart by focusing on specific genres that are less represented in the blockchain space, such as RPGs, shooters, or strategy games. Additionally, offering unique NFT features, cross-game compatibility, or enhanced staking and governance systems could give game a competitive advantage in terms of player engagement and retention. $GAME’s focus could be on providing a more seamless, accessible experience with better incentives for players who want to focus on gameplay rather than the complexities of asset management. 5. Illuvium $ILV Illuvium is a blockchain-based RPG and auto-battler game built on the Ethereum blockchain. The game is known for its high-quality graphics and play-to-earn model, which focuses on capturing and battling creatures called Illuvials. The platform integrates decentralized finance (DeFi) features and uses $ILV tokens for staking, governance, and in-game purchases. • How GAME Stacks Up: Illuvium’s focus on high-end graphics and DeFi features places it in a niche market that caters to gamers looking for a visually rich and financially complex gaming experience. game could focus on broadening its appeal to a wider demographic by emphasizing simplicity and accessibility. By offering an engaging yet easy-to-learn gaming experience with fewer barriers to entry, game could cater to a more casual audience. Additionally, game could adopt its own innovative gameplay mechanics that blend traditional gaming genres with blockchain elements, making it stand out among high-fidelity competitors like Illuvium. 6. My Neighbor Alice $ALICE My Neighbor Alice is a multiplayer farming game built on the Chromia blockchain, where players can buy, sell, and trade virtual land, crops, and animals. The game combines traditional gaming elements with blockchain features, enabling players to own and control in-game assets. • How GAME Stacks Up: While My Neighbor Alice targets players who enjoy casual and farming games, GAME could differentiate itself by focusing on more action-oriented or competitive genres that appeal to a broader gaming community. By incorporating innovative tokenomics and offering exclusive rewards for gameplay achievements, GAME could attract a different type of player, one who is more interested in earning rewards through competitive or strategic gameplay rather than casual farming or collection. How GAME Stacks Up GAME competes in a highly dynamic blockchain gaming market, where success depends on offering a unique value proposition and gaining user adoption. By focusing on accessibility, diverse gameplay mechanics, and cross-platform interoperability, GAME has the potential to carve out its own niche. While its competitors like Axie Infinity, The Sandbox, and Gala Games have already established strong user bases, $GAME’s differentiation can come from offering a balanced approach that combines engaging gameplay with decentralized features and an active, user-driven economy. The platform’s success will hinge on its ability to attract and retain users by providing meaningful utility, ensuring a seamless user experience, and building strategic partnerships with other projects. If GAME can excel in these areas, it can position itself as a leading player in the blockchain gaming space.
    2025/01/26 14:23
    Competitors to $GAME in Blockchain Gaming – How $GAME Stacks Up The blockchain gaming sector is bec
    Competitors to $GAME in Blockchain Gaming – How $GAME Stacks Up The blockchain gaming sector is becoming increasingly competitive as new projects emerge, each aiming to capitalize on the rapidly growing demand for decentralized gaming experiences, NFTs, and virtual economies. To assess how game stacks up against its competitors, it’s important to consider the leading players in the space and the unique features game brings to the table. Here’s a look at some of the key competitors and how gamw compares. 1. Axie Infinity $AXS Axie Infinity is one of the largest and most well-known names in blockchain gaming, operating on the Ethereum blockchain. It offers a play-to-earn model where players can breed, battle, and trade creatures called Axies. The game also has its own economy built around $AXS and $SLP tokens, which players earn by participating in gameplay. • How game Stacks Up: While Axie Infinity is an industry leader, game can differentiate itself by offering unique gaming experiences or tapping into underserved niches within the blockchain gaming space. For instance, game could introduce more complex and diverse gameplay mechanics, expand into the metaverse, or offer interoperability with multiple blockchain networks, providing greater utility and flexibility for players. If game can lower barriers for new users and simplify onboarding, it could position itself as a more accessible alternative to the often complex mechanisms seen in games like Axie Infinity. 2. Decentraland $MANA Decentraland is a virtual reality platform built on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing players to purchase, build, and trade virtual land and assets. The game’s primary token, $MANA, is used for in-game purchases, land auctions, and transactions within the platform. Decentraland is heavily focused on creating a metaverse experience, where users can create virtual worlds, socialize, and even host events. • How game Stacks Up: While Decentraland focuses on the metaverse and virtual real estate, game could differentiate itself by focusing more on gamified experiences or integrating NFTs in ways that enhance traditional gaming mechanics. $GAME’s value proposition might be in creating an immersive, play-to-earn ecosystem, where users can collect, stake, and trade items tied to gameplay rather than virtual land. Additionally, the potential to integrate cross-game functionalities could give game a competitive edge over platform-specific ecosystems like Decentraland. 3. The Sandbox $SAND Similar to Decentraland, The Sandbox is another virtual world based on the Ethereum blockchain, where users can create and trade NFTs, own land, and engage in metaverse experiences. $SAND, the native token, facilitates transactions within the platform. The game is focused on enabling user-generated content and asset creation in a decentralized world. • How game Stacks Up: game has the opportunity to compete with The Sandbox by offering a more action-focused or narrative-driven gaming experience. While The Sandbox revolves around creating and trading virtual assets, game could provide a more immersive gameplay experience with deeper mechanics, competitive play, and rewards that center on engaging in games rather than just collecting assets. Additionally, by offering an integrated economy or by bridging different gaming ecosystems, game could appeal to a broader audience looking for gaming fun rather than just digital asset creation. 4. Gala Games $GALA Gala Games is a platform focused on providing decentralized gaming experiences, offering games such as TownStar and Mirandus. Gala Games gives players control over in-game assets and allows them to earn rewards through gameplay. The platform is designed to be user-centric, with a focus on giving players the ability to own and control their in-game assets. • How game Stacks Up: Gala Games is a strong competitor with a variety of games in its ecosystem. game could set itself apart by focusing on specific genres that are less represented in the blockchain space, such as RPGs, shooters, or strategy games. Additionally, offering unique NFT features, cross-game compatibility, or enhanced staking and governance systems could give game a competitive advantage in terms of player engagement and retention. $GAME’s focus could be on providing a more seamless, accessible experience with better incentives for players who want to focus on gameplay rather than the complexities of asset management. 5. Illuvium $ILV Illuvium is a blockchain-based RPG and auto-battler game built on the Ethereum blockchain. The game is known for its high-quality graphics and play-to-earn model, which focuses on capturing and battling creatures called Illuvials. The platform integrates decentralized finance (DeFi) features and uses $ILV tokens for staking, governance, and in-game purchases. • How GAME Stacks Up: Illuvium’s focus on high-end graphics and DeFi features places it in a niche market that caters to gamers looking for a visually rich and financially complex gaming experience. game could focus on broadening its appeal to a wider demographic by emphasizing simplicity and accessibility. By offering an engaging yet easy-to-learn gaming experience with fewer barriers to entry, game could cater to a more casual audience. Additionally, game could adopt its own innovative gameplay mechanics that blend traditional gaming genres with blockchain elements, making it stand out among high-fidelity competitors like Illuvium. 6. My Neighbor Alice $ALICE My Neighbor Alice is a multiplayer farming game built on the Chromia blockchain, where players can buy, sell, and trade virtual land, crops, and animals. The game combines traditional gaming elements with blockchain features, enabling players to own and control in-game assets. • How GAME Stacks Up: While My Neighbor Alice targets players who enjoy casual and farming games, GAME could differentiate itself by focusing on more action-oriented or competitive genres that appeal to a broader gaming community. By incorporating innovative tokenomics and offering exclusive rewards for gameplay achievements, GAME could attract a different type of player, one who is more interested in earning rewards through competitive or strategic gameplay rather than casual farming or collection. How GAME Stacks Up GAME competes in a highly dynamic blockchain gaming market, where success depends on offering a unique value proposition and gaining user adoption. By focusing on accessibility, diverse gameplay mechanics, and cross-platform interoperability, GAME has the potential to carve out its own niche. While its competitors like Axie Infinity, The Sandbox, and Gala Games have already established strong user bases, $GAME’s differentiation can come from offering a balanced approach that combines engaging gameplay with decentralized features and an active, user-driven economy. The platform’s success will hinge on its ability to attract and retain users by providing meaningful utility, ensuring a seamless user experience, and building strategic partnerships with other projects. If GAME can excel in these areas, it can position itself as a leading player in the blockchain gaming space.

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