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Push Protocolの価格

Push Protocolの‌価格PUSH


Push Protocolに投票しましょう!


今日のPush Protocolの価格

Push Protocol の今日の現在価格は、(PUSH / JPY)あたり¥5.05 で、現在の時価総額は¥455.82M JPYです。24時間の取引量は¥194.40M JPYです。PUSHからJPYの価格はリアルタイムで更新されています。Push Protocol は-2.10%過去24時間で変動しました。循環供給は90,236,480 です。




Push Protocolの利益を計算する

Push Protocolの価格予測




2031年には、PUSHの価格は+49.00%変動する見込みです。 2031年末には、PUSHの価格は¥16.36に達し、累積ROIは+217.46%になると予測されます。

Push Protocolの価格履歴(JPY)

Push Protocolの価格は、この1年で-86.94%を記録しました。直近1年間のJPY建てPUSHの最高値は¥46.9で、直近1年間のJPY建てPUSHの最安値は¥4.27でした。
時間価格変動率(%)価格変動率(%)最低価格対応する期間における{0}の最低価格です。最高価格 最高価格
すべての期間-72.04%¥4.27(2025-03-18, 8 日前 )¥1,319.94(2021-04-14, 3年前 )

Push Protocolの市場情報

Push Protocolの時価総額の履歴

Push Protocolを今すぐ購入する

Push Protocolの集中度別保有量


Push Protocolの保有時間別アドレス


Push Protocolの評価


Push Protocol (PUSH)について

Push Protocolとは

以前はEthereum Push Notification ServiceEPNS)として知られていたPush Protocolは、ウェブ3の通信状況において極めて重要な進歩です。分散型コミュニケーションネットワークとして、Push Protocol, は、通知、チャット、ビデオ通話など、様々なアプリケーションを介したリアルタイムのウォレット間インタラクションを促進します。このプロジェクトは、従来の中央集権的なプラットフォームに依存することなく、直接的で安全かつ相互運用可能な通信を可能にすることで、web3エコシステムにおける重要なギャップに対処します。ブロックチェーン技術を活用することで、Push Protocol, はユーザーが自分のデータを完全に管理できるようにし、デジタル交流におけるプライバシーとセキュリティを強化しまする

プロトコルの基盤は分散化の原則に基づいて構築されています。dApps、スマートコントラクトやWeb3サービスなど幅広いアプリケーションが、ウォレットアドレスを通じてユーザーと直接関わることを可能にしています。この直接的なコミュニケーション方法は、タイムリーかつ適切な情報を提供することでユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させるだけでなく、Web 3空間におけるエンゲージメントとインタラクションの新たな道を開きます。Push Protocolの導入は、より統合されたユーザーフレンドリーなWeb3環境の実現に向けた重要な一歩であり、より広範な導入と革新的な使用例への道を開くものです。


公式文書: https://pu


Push Protocolの仕組み

Push Protocolは、暗号化され、ガス代がかかることない、マルチチェーン方式で通信ペイロードを検証し、インデックスを作成するノードの高度なネットワークを通じて動作します。ブロックチェーンインフラストラクチャに似たこの分散型ネットワークは、メッセージや通知、その他のコミュニケーション形態が、さまざまなプラットフォームやブロックチェーン環境間で確実かつ安全に配信されることを保証します。このネットワークにより、Push Protocolはあらゆるアプリケーションやサービスが、ウォレットアドレスにターゲットを絞ったコミュニケーションを送信することを可能にし、ユーザーのエンゲージメントとリテンションを高めます。

また、Push Protocolの統合機能は膨大で、Push ChatPush VideoなどのWeb3コミュニケーションフォームをサポートしています。Push Chatは、Web3ID間で安全で暗号化されたメッセージングを可能にし、Pish Videoでは、ウォレット間のビデオ通話ができるため、リアルタイムのインタラクティブなコミュニケーションでweb3エクスペリエンスを豊かにします。これらの機能二より、Web3プラットフォームの実用性と魅力が高まるだけでなく、分散型ウェブにおけるコラボレーション、コミュニティ構築、ユーザーインタラクションの新たな可能性を開きます。

PUSH Tokenとは

PUSHPush Protocolプラットフォームのメイントークンです。ユーザー、開発者、ノード運営者を含むネットワーク参加者に必要なインセンティブを提供します。PUSHはプルーフ・オブ・ステークメカニズムを通じてネットワークを保護するために使用され、ノードオペレーターは通信を検証するためにトークンをステーキングします。このステーキングプロセスは、善良な行為にインセンティブを与えるだけでなく、悪意のある行為者にペナルティを与え、ネットワークの完全性を維持します。さらに、PUSHトークンは、プレミアム機能へのアクセス、サービスへの支払い、ガバナンス決定への参加など、さまざまなネットワーク活動を促進し、トークン保有者はプロトコルの未来を形作ることができます。PUSHの総供給量は1億トークンです。

Push Protocolの価格決定要因

Push Protocolの価格は、他のブロックチェーンベースの資産と同様に、市場における需要と供給の相互作用に大きく影響されます。PUSHトークンの需要は、Web3の開発、規制、採用の全体的な傾向を取り巻く最新のニュースなどの要因が、投資家のセンチメントを形成し、結果としてPUSHトークンの需要を形成する上で極めて重要な役割を果たします。このような外部要因に加え、セキュリティアップデートや新機能のリリースなど、Push Protocolエコシステム内の内部開発によって市場が変動し、トークン価格が大きく変動する可能性があります。暗号資産の分析とチャートは、これらの要素がより広範な暗号資産のトレンドと組み合わされ、投資家の行動と市場力学にどのような影響を与えるかを反映することが多いです。

さらに、PUSHトークンの暗号資産価格予測では、Web3空間におけるユーザーと開発者の両方による暗号資産の採用率、トークンの有用性、Pushプロトコルネットワークの保護と管理における役割、市場全体の健全性など、さまざまな指標が考慮されます。2024年以降に最適な投資先を探している投資家は、トークンの価値に影響を与える可能性のあるセキュリティ上の懸念や規制の変更など、暗号資産のリスクを注意深く監視しています。Push Protocolのエコシステムやブロックチェーン業界全体の最新動向を注視することは、トークンの将来の値動きについて十分な情報を得た上で予測することに役立つでしょう。

Push Protocolの投資や取引に興味があり、PUSHはどこで買えるのかとお考えの場合、安全かつユーザーフレンドリーなプラットフォームを提供するBitgetなどの主要取引所がおすすめです。

Push Protocol(PUSH)の購入方法





Push ProtocolをPUSHに交換

Push ProtocolをPUSHに交換

BitgetでPush Protocolを購入するには、様々なお支払い方法をご利用いただけます。






Push Protocolのニュース

 BitgetがPush Protocol(PUSH)を上場!参加して84,000ドル相当のPUSHの山分けを獲得しよう!
BitgetがPush Protocol(PUSH)を上場!参加して84,000ドル相当のPUSHの山分けを獲得しよう!

この度、Push Protocol(PUSH)がイノベーションゾーンとWeb3ゾーンに上場いたします。詳細は以下をご覧ください。 入金開始時間:既に利用可能 取引開始時間:2024年3月19日午後8

Bitget Announcement2024-03-18 12:00
Push Protocolの最新情報


Push Protocolの現在の価格はいくらですか?

Push Protocolのライブ価格は¥5.05(PUSH/JPY)で、現在の時価総額は¥455,819,365.09 JPYです。Push Protocolの価値は、暗号資産市場の24時間365日休みない動きにより、頻繁に変動します。Push Protocolのリアルタイムでの現在価格とその履歴データは、Bitgetで閲覧可能です。

Push Protocolの24時間取引量は?

過去24時間で、Push Protocolの取引量は¥194.40Mです。

Push Protocolの過去最高値はいくらですか?

Push Protocol の過去最高値は¥1,319.94です。この過去最高値は、Push Protocolがローンチされて以来の最高値です。

BitgetでPush Protocolを購入できますか?

はい、Push Protocolは現在、Bitgetの取引所で利用できます。より詳細な手順については、お役立ちPush Protocolの購入方法 ガイドをご覧ください。

Push Protocolに投資して安定した収入を得ることはできますか?


Push Protocolを最も安く購入できるのはどこですか?


Push Protocol(PUSH)はどこで買えますか?

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動画セクション - 素早く認証を終えて、素早く取引へ

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1. Bitgetアカウントにログインします。
2. Bitgetにまだアカウントをお持ちでない方は、アカウント作成方法のチュートリアルをご覧ください。
3. プロフィールアイコンにカーソルを合わせ、「未認証」をクリックし、「認証する」をクリックしてください。
4. 発行国または地域と身分証の種類を選択し、指示に従ってください。
5. 「モバイル認証」または「PC」をご希望に応じて選択してください。
6. 個人情報を入力し、身分証明書のコピーを提出し、自撮りで撮影してください。
7. 申請書を提出すれば、本人確認(KYC認証)は完了です。
Bitgetを介してオンラインでPush Protocolを購入することを含む暗号資産投資は、市場リスクを伴います。Bitgetでは、簡単で便利な購入方法を提供しており、取引所で提供している各暗号資産について、ユーザーに十分な情報を提供するよう努力しています。ただし、Push Protocolの購入によって生じる結果については、当社は責任を負いかねます。このページおよび含まれる情報は、特定の暗号資産を推奨するものではありません。



Bitget Earn

1 PUSH = 5.05 JPY


Crypto News Flash
Crypto News Flash
Dormant Bitcoin Wallet Moves $250M After 8 Years of Silence
A crypto wallet that had been dormant since 2016 suddenly became active and immediately sent more than $250 million in Bitcoin, according to Arkham . This is no ordinary wallet, because its contents were once worth “only” $3 million in early 2017. Now? Its value has exploded by more than 8,000%. $250M BITCOIN WHALE WAKES UP AFTER 8 YEARS A Bitcoin Whale that has held BTC since late 2016 has just moved over $250M in BTC last night. His Bitcoin stack went from $3M in early 2017 to over $250M today – and he’s held Bitcoin on one address for over 8 years. — Arkham (@arkham) March 22, 2025 This wallet was observed as not having any activity for more than eight years. Suddenly, in mid-March 2025, the entire BTC contents in it were transferred to two new addresses. Interestingly, prior to the massive transfer, the owner took the opportunity to test the system by sending several small transactions. As if he was making sure that everything was still safe and that access to his wallet could still be used after a long sleep. Furthermore, there was no sign of the Bitcoin entering the exchange. This means that this could just be a security measure. Of course, the crypto community still finds these massive whale movements nerve-wracking. On the other hand, the atmosphere in the Bitcoin market is indeed changing. On February 26, 2025, CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju reported that Coinbase’s spot volume dominance has increased by more than 30% in a week. However, the day before, the Bitcoin ETF recorded the largest outflow in a single day: $937.78 million. That amount is certainly not a small number, and could be a reflection of selling pressure from large institutions. Just imagine, like a gold shop where people are queuing to sell, while outside, other people are starting to save precious metals. Mixed up, right? Meanwhile, CNF also reported that during mid-March, Bitcoin whales and sharks—large owners—had reduced their holdings by more than 57,000 BTC in a week. If converted to current values, that could be equivalent to billions of US dollars. But what’s curious is that when they were selling, Bitcoin owners with balances above 10 BTC were actually increasing their positions. Around 5,000 BTC were collected by this group in a short period of time. So, even though the eight-year-old wallet was just one of many addresses on the network, it appeared in the middle of a market that was actually in a push-pull phase. Some were dumping, some were collecting. Some were leaving ETFs, and some were busy on Coinbase. The question is, why did the wallet owner suddenly wake up? It could be for security reasons, or it could be because he wanted to take advantage of liquidity. But so far no one has been able to confirm the exact purpose. What is clear is that every time an old wallet like this moves, the market is definitely on high alert. This situation reminds us that in the crypto market , sometimes the main players are not the ones who appear most often. In fact, those who have been silent for years can surprise the market overnight. Meanwhile, as of press time, BTC is trading at about $85,706.06, up 1.77% over the last 24 hours and 2.94% over the last 7 days.
BREAKING NEWS: Visa and OpenAI to Partner for Stablecoin Payments
In a major development for the crypto and financial industries, Visa is reportedly in talks with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to launch a stablecoin payments wallet. This potential partnership between a global payments giant and one of tech’s most influential figures could accelerate mainstream crypto adoption—at a time when Bitcoin is already gaining momentum . The news has already stirred speculation about how this move could impact the broader market—and whether it could be a key factor pushing Bitcoin’s price toward $250,000 in this cycle. Combining Visa’s massive global payments infrastructure with OpenAI’s cutting-edge technology and Sam Altman ’s crypto influence could lead to one of the most accessible and widely adopted stablecoin payment solutions to date. This is not Altman’s first foray into crypto—he’s also behind Worldcoin, which aims to provide a universal basic income system using blockchain technology. With this new partnership, stablecoins could become as easy to use as traditional fiat, opening the door for wider crypto usage and onboarding millions of users globally. For Bitcoin, the implications are bullish. As crypto infrastructure becomes more user-friendly and trusted through major partnerships like this, demand for BTC as a digital reserve asset could skyrocket. Supporting this bullish narrative is macroeconomic momentum. According to crypto investor Arthur Hayes, Bitcoin is primed for a major breakout , predicting that it will hit $110K before it ever drops back to $76.5K. His reasoning? The U.S. Federal Reserve is transitioning from Quantitative Tightening (QT) to Quantitative Easing (QE)—injecting liquidity into the markets. More money in the system typically drives up the price of scarce assets like Bitcoin. And with the Fed loosening monetary policy once again, crypto markets may be on the verge of a parabolic move. In another confidence-boosting development, the U.S. SEC is reportedly dialing back its aggressive stance on crypto enforcement under new leadership. This signals a potential shift toward more balanced regulation, which could reduce legal uncertainty for exchanges, tokens, and institutional players. This regulatory breathing room could be just what the market needs to push Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to new highs. All the signs are aligning: A Visa x OpenAI partnership could spark mass adoption. The Fed’s pivot to QE could flood markets with liquidity. The SEC’s softer approach could welcome more institutions. Together, these factors form a powerful bullish cocktail that could drive Bitcoin to $250,000 over the next market cycle. While nothing is guaranteed, the momentum is building—and the excitement across the crypto space is palpable. This breaking news about Visa and OpenAI collaborating on stablecoin payments could mark a pivotal moment for crypto adoption. With macro, regulatory, and tech trends all pointing in the same direction, Bitcoin may be ready for its most explosive rally yet .]
🚀 $1000SATS/USDT Breakout Re-Test – Time to Strike! 🔥 📈 Market Structure: Series of bullish BOS confirms strong upward momentum, with each move backed by clean structural shifts. 🔍 Price Action Insight: Price is revisiting a fresh Fair Value Gap after sweeping previous highs. Rejection from this zone would indicate bullish intent continuation. 🎯 Trade Setup: • Entry Zone: 0.0001445 – 0.0001453 • Target: 0.0001526 • Stop Loss: 0.0001428 🔥 Why This Setup Matters: Stacked FVGs + BOS confluence + consolidation breakout = perfect high-probability continuation play with tight risk. ⚡ Pro Tip: Look for a quick wick into FVG before momentum push – don’t miss the breakout ride! #BBB25 #zelena #GrandeFratello #shailenzo #zeudiners
Ripple News Today: XRP Price Boosted by SEC Win and IPO Speculation
XRP has been riding a wave of positive momentum after Ripple’s groundbreaking legal success against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The dismissal of the long-standing lawsuit has revived enthusiasm around Ripple’s payment solutions and reignited investor confidence in XRP. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse recently described the SEC’s decision to drop the case as a major win for both Ripple and the broader crypto market. XRP has been trading in the range of $2.35 to $2.55, showing signs of resilience and optimism following this significant regulatory clarity. XRP/USD 2-hours chart - TradingView Amid the legal win, speculation is heating up about Ripple’s plans for an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Garlinghouse’s comments about Ripple’s growth ambitions have fueled excitement, with market analysts suggesting that an IPO could provide Ripple with the resources to expand its reach and further integrate XRP into mainstream financial systems. The combination of legal clarity and IPO buzz has placed Ripple at the center of crypto’s revival, with some optimistic forecasts projecting XRP could reach $30 by 2030 . However, conservative analysts warn that such milestones may not materialize before 2026, suggesting that patience will be key for investors. XRP is currently trading at $2.47, up 4.56% over the past week but still below its recent peak of $3.00. The $2.50 resistance level is crucial for regaining bullish momentum, while the $2.20 support level could act as a safety net. A break below $2.20 might drag the price down to the $1.50 zone, while a push above $2.50 could pave the way for further gains. XRP/USD 1-day chart - TradingView Technical indicators paint a mixed picture. The RSI suggests a period of consolidation, while the MACD has yet to signal a clear bullish crossover. Despite short-term uncertainties, analysts believe XRP has the potential for long-term growth, driven by increasing adoption and improved sentiment following the lawsuit resolution. If you're looking to trade XRP, Bitget is a reliable exchange. You can start easily, fund your account and trade on a user-friendly platform. Try Bitget using our referral link and benefit from 100% transaction fee rebates in BGB on your first transaction. Looking ahead, some experts predict a potential dip in XRP’s price in April 2025, possibly falling to the $1.40–$1.60 range. However, this downturn could set the stage for a significant recovery. If market dynamics align, XRP could embark on a breakout in May 2025, with projections targeting new highs above $3.60. While XRP faces potential headwinds, its history of rebounding from challenges gives investors hope for continued growth. Ripple’s strengthened position, combined with the possibility of an IPO and broader crypto adoption, suggests that XRP could remain a strong contender in the digital asset space.
SOLANA May Be a Top Crypto Investment for April 2025, Here's WHY?
As the crypto market transitions into Q2, Solana (SOL) stands out as one of the top crypto investments for April 2025. With strong community support, expanding developer activity, and a resilient technical setup, Solana is holding its ground while other assets remain range-bound. This Solana price prediction for April 2025 highlights key support and resistance levels, trading signals, and the surge in ecosystem development that’s giving SOL long-term bullish potential. Solana has been trading in a tight range after failing to break above $200 last month. Despite this stagnation, the overall market sentiment toward SOL remains optimistic . Technical patterns show a symmetrical triangle formation—often a prelude to high volatility. Traders are closely watching this setup, as it could resolve into either a breakout or a short-term pullback. The Solana price prediction for April 2025 suggests that unless key resistance is breached or support is broken, SOL could remain in this consolidation zone through the start of the month. The most significant resistance level for Solana remains at $205 . If SOL manages to push through this zone with solid volume, it could trigger a rally toward $220 or even a retest of its yearly high. This makes $205 the crucial level to break for any bullish scenario. Indicators such as the RSI are currently neutral, meaning the market isn’t overbought or oversold. A move above $205 with strong buying volume would be a confirmation signal for traders using this Solana price prediction as a guide for April entries. On the flip side, SOL has found consistent support around the $170–$165 range . This level has held multiple times and remains the key zone to defend in case of bearish pressure. A breakdown below $165 could shift the outlook from neutral to bearish and open doors to lower price targets around $150. For now, the Solana support and resistance levels are acting as anchors, giving traders a clear range to play in while awaiting a decisive breakout. While the Solana price holds steady , the network’s ecosystem growth is accelerating rapidly. Solana is actively supporting crypto founders, developers, and creators, offering a suite of tools and incubators to launch and scale startups on-chain. Here are 15 essential resources fueling the Solana builder movement in April 2025: This aggressive push toward Web3 adoption and startup creation reinforces Solana’s reputation as a top crypto investment in April 2025. With so many paths for growth, the network remains one of the most developer-friendly and innovation-driven blockchains today. Between its strong technical support, ecosystem expansion, and institutional-grade scalability, Solana presents a unique mix of upside potential and infrastructure resilience. As macro trends turn bullish and more builders onboard, Solana is well-positioned for a breakout. Whether you're a swing trader, long-term holder, or project founder, SOL offers something for every type of investor in April 2025. Solana (SOL) is showing signs of strength even as it consolidates between $165 and $205. With solid technical structure and ecosystem momentum, Solana earns its spot as one of the top crypto investments for April 2025. Keep an eye on the key price levels and the ongoing wave of developer activity — they could set the stage for the next big move.


すべてのBitget資産の中で、時価総額がPush Protocolに最も近いのはこれらの8資産です。