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Matrix AI Networkの価格

Matrix AI Networkの‌価格MAN


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今日のMatrix AI Networkの価格

Matrix AI Network の今日の現在価格は、(MAN / JPY)あたり¥1.34 で、現在の時価総額は¥615.35M JPYです。24時間の取引量は¥11.87M JPYです。MANからJPYの価格はリアルタイムで更新されています。Matrix AI Network は-1.89%過去24時間で変動しました。循環供給は458,831,780 です。




Matrix AI Networkの利益を計算する

Matrix AI Networkの価格予測




2031年には、MANの価格は+29.00%変動する見込みです。 2031年末には、MANの価格は¥2.27に達し、累積ROIは+65.79%になると予測されます。

Matrix AI Networkの価格履歴(JPY)

Matrix AI Networkの価格は、この1年で-86.39%を記録しました。直近1年間のJPY建てMANの最高値は¥10.42で、直近1年間のJPY建てMANの最安値は¥1.07でした。
時間価格変動率(%)価格変動率(%)最低価格対応する期間における{0}の最低価格です。最高価格 最高価格
すべての期間-99.18%¥0.6732(2022-11-13, 2年前 )¥269.51(2018-05-10, 6年前 )

Matrix AI Networkの市場情報

Matrix AI Networkの時価総額の履歴

Matrix AI Networkを今すぐ購入する

Matrix AI Networkの集中度別保有量


Matrix AI Networkの保有時間別アドレス


Matrix AI Networkの評価


Matrix AI Network (MAN)について

矩阵AI网络(Matrix AI Network)是一种基于区块链技术的加密货币。它是一个去中心化的平台,旨在通过结合人工智能和区块链技术,为用户提供安全、高效的数据处理和智能合约功能。

Matrix AI Network的设计目标是解决传统区块链平台的困境,例如可扩展性问题和智能合约的安全性问题。该平台采用了混合验证算法,通过将人工智能和区块链相结合,实现了高度可扩展性和强大的智能合约功能。这一组合允许用户在一个去中心化的环境中进行高速、低成本的数据处理。

Matrix AI Network还提供了一套功能齐全的开发工具和API,使开发者能够构建各种基于区块链的应用程序。这些工具包括智能合约开发工具、区块链浏览器和数据存储接口等。开发者可以利用这些工具来创建自己的去中心化应用,同时享受Matrix AI Network提供的高安全性和高性能。

Matrix AI Network的代币被称为MAN,这是平台上的本地加密货币。它用于支付平台上的服务费用、支持智能合约的执行和网络参与者的激励。MAN代币的供应量是固定的,这意味着它不会受到通货膨胀的影响。

总之,Matrix AI Network是一个有着许多独特功能和设计目标的加密货币平台。通过结合人工智能和区块链技术,该平台为用户提供了安全、高效的数据处理和智能合约功能。同时,它还提供了一套功能齐全的开发工具,使开发者能够在这个平台上构建自己的应用程序。Matrix AI Network的代币MAN在平台上担任着重要的角色,用于支付费用、支持智能合约的执行和激励网络参与者。

Matrix AI Networkのソーシャルデータ

直近24時間では、Matrix AI Networkのソーシャルメディアセンチメントスコアは4で、Matrix AI Networkの価格トレンドに対するソーシャルメディアセンチメントは強気でした。全体的なMatrix AI Networkのソーシャルメディアスコアは799で、全暗号資産の中で373にランクされました。

LunarCrushによると、過去24時間で、暗号資産は合計1,058,120回ソーシャルメディア上で言及され、Matrix AI Networkは0%の頻度比率で言及され、全暗号資産の中で373にランクされました。

過去24時間で、合計108人のユニークユーザーがMatrix AI Networkについて議論し、Matrix AI Networkの言及は合計35件です。しかし、前の24時間と比較すると、ユニークユーザー数は減少で0%、言及総数は増加で25%増加しています。

X(Twitter)では、過去24時間に合計1件のMatrix AI Networkに言及したポストがありました。その中で、100%はMatrix AI Networkに強気、0%はMatrix AI Networkに弱気、0%はMatrix AI Networkに中立です。

Redditでは、過去24時間にMatrix AI Networkに言及した0件の投稿がありました。直近の24時間と比較して、Matrix AI Networkの言及数が0%減少しました。



Matrix AI Network(MAN)の購入方法





Matrix AI NetworkをMANに交換

Matrix AI NetworkをMANに交換

BitgetでMatrix AI Networkを購入するには、様々なお支払い方法をご利用いただけます。







Matrix AI Networkの現在の価格はいくらですか?

Matrix AI Networkのライブ価格は¥1.34(MAN/JPY)で、現在の時価総額は¥615,349,018.76 JPYです。Matrix AI Networkの価値は、暗号資産市場の24時間365日休みない動きにより、頻繁に変動します。Matrix AI Networkのリアルタイムでの現在価格とその履歴データは、Bitgetで閲覧可能です。

Matrix AI Networkの24時間取引量は?

過去24時間で、Matrix AI Networkの取引量は¥11.87Mです。

Matrix AI Networkの過去最高値はいくらですか?

Matrix AI Network の過去最高値は¥269.51です。この過去最高値は、Matrix AI Networkがローンチされて以来の最高値です。

BitgetでMatrix AI Networkを購入できますか?

はい、Matrix AI Networkは現在、Bitgetの取引所で利用できます。より詳細な手順については、お役立ちの購入方法 ガイドをご覧ください。

Matrix AI Networkに投資して安定した収入を得ることはできますか?


Matrix AI Networkを最も安く購入できるのはどこですか?


Matrix AI Network(MAN)はどこで買えますか?

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Bitgetを介してオンラインでMatrix AI Networkを購入することを含む暗号資産投資は、市場リスクを伴います。Bitgetでは、簡単で便利な購入方法を提供しており、取引所で提供している各暗号資産について、ユーザーに十分な情報を提供するよう努力しています。ただし、Matrix AI Networkの購入によって生じる結果については、当社は責任を負いかねます。このページおよび含まれる情報は、特定の暗号資産を推奨するものではありません。



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1 MAN = 1.34 JPY





Corbin Fraser Sets Record Straight on Bitcoin Cash’s Origin
Corbin Fraser, CEO of, recently addressed a common misconception within the crypto community regarding the creation of bitcoin cash ( BCH). While Roger Ver is frequently credited—or blamed—for the inception of BCH, Fraser set the record straight in a recent appearance on Vlad Costea’s podcast, The Bitcoin Takeover Podcast. Contrary to popular belief, Roger Ver did not create Bitcoin Cash. Fraser pointed out clearly that Amaury Séchet did. Amaury Séchet, known for his leadership as the lead developer behind Bitcoin ABC (Adjustable Blocksize Cap), played an essential role in defining the initial Bitcoin Cash protocol. Fraser provided context on the origins of BCH, starting with a pivotal Slack group named BTC Forks. “There was a Slack group called BTC forks,” Fraser recalled, describing it as a mix of “Bitcoin Unlimited people, Bitcoin XT people, Bitcoin ABC people,” and other key “big blockers” like Jonald Fyookball, Peter Rizun, and perhaps Jeff Garzik. In the context of Bitcoin’s history, a “big blocker” is someone who advocated for increasing the block size limit in Bitcoin’s blockchain protocol from 1MB to accommodate more transactions per block. This stance emerged during the contentious scaling debate that dominated Bitcoin’s community from around 2015 to 2017, often called the “Block Size Wars.” The BTC Forks Slack group served as an open, real-time discussion forum that existed on the periphery of the more mainstream (and slower paced) places like Reddit’s r/ BTC. Fraser recalls that after “years of trying to get a modest increase in block size,” Séchet boldly decided to take decisive action. “Amaury went full French,” said Fraser,” he was like, ‘I’m just doing it. Screw it. I’m going to do it, and if anyone wants to follow, good luck.'” This bold initiative from Séchet galvanized support from other community members and groups such as Bitcoin Unlimited, eventually culminating in the formal establishment of Bitcoin Cash. Fraser described it as a “group effort” among numerous participants from that Slack discussion who recognized that “S2X is not happening,” anticipating a “rug pull” from Bitcoin Core proponents—a prediction Fraser said came true. S2X was a proposal to increase Bitcoin’s block size. While Séchet began the Bitcoin Cash movement, Fraser also pointed out the complexity surrounding Séchet’s role, particularly after the BCH community fractured due to internal disputes. Séchet, according to Fraser, faced significant opposition due to his proposal for a developer funding mechanism—often dubbed a “dev tax”—and his exploration of Avalanche protocol integrations. Fraser described the ensuing split not simply as Séchet abandoning BCH but rather as a “hostile takeover” by other BCH community members, driven partly by their desire to oust the self-described benevolent dictator of Bitcoin Cash. “I think there were enough people in the BCH community that just wanted the French man out,” Fraser explained, noting that Séchet had become a divisive figure akin to a “Donald Trump figure” in terms of community perception—controversial and polarizing. Although Fraser clarified that Séchet himself never behaved maliciously or overly combatively, community perception often painted him in that light. “I don’t think he actually went full Donald Trump,” Fraser clarified, “but I think that the perception from the community was that he did.” The split resulted in the creation of eCash, a separate cryptocurrency spearheaded by Séchet. Fraser noted that the BCH community’s rejection of Séchet marked a turning point: “That was like the pin where I was like, ‘ BCH, what have you done?'” Fraser lamented the repeated fragmentation within the BCH community, pointing to the eCash fork as an example of lost momentum and diluted influence. Fraser said he remembers a critic of the Bitcoin Cash fork, former Googler and Bitcoin Core contributor Mike Hearn, saying that one split would increase the likelihood of more splits, and that continual splits would stunt growth, thereby harming overall crypto adoption. “After the BSV fork happened… and then eCash fork happened, it was just like, alright, maybe [the critics] were right all along,” he reflected. There was a silver lining. I wouldn’t have probably become DeFi pilled, had it not been for more of those big block debates that just kept going. Man, they just kept going… I know countless people that that was kind of the breaking point for folks to say there’s more to crypto than having one team and being a monotheist. And nothing wrong with being diversified. Fraser believes these forks drove a lot of tech-minded early adopters to Ethereum where things shipped a lot faster and in a more permissionless environment. Having lived through the paralysis of heated debates and forking, Fraser believes Bitcoin needs an innovation layer where people can ship things permissionlessly. Whether that’s drive chains or Layer twos (L2’s), building on Bitcoin in some manner is a net benefit for capturing more utility and value on the largest blockchain. Despite the controversies within the Bitcoin and then again in the Bitcoin Cash communities, Fraser expressed admiration and respect for Séchet, emphasizing his significant contributions to the “big block” movement. “I have nothing but respect for Amaury and what he did and the work that he contributed,” Fraser stated. As of the publishing of this article, bitcoin’s market cap is $1.7 trillion, bitcoin cash is $6.5 billion, and ecash is $448 million. 免责声明:本文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表本平台的立场和观点。本文章仅供信息分享,不构成对任何人的任何投资建议。用户与作者之间的任何争议,与本平台无关。如网页中刊载的文章或图片涉及侵权,请提供相关的权利证明和身份证明发送邮件到,本平台相关工作人员将会进行核查。
Man is buying up #Bitcoin supply while you're selling the bits that you've got Keep it up, genius.
Bitcoin update 24.03.25 - 30.01.25: HTF: We closed another weekly candle in no man's land, still below the 89K SL. At this level, there’s nothing solid to trade on HTF until we either push for new ATHs or drop to the 72K level. Patience is key here—either focus on other timeframes or shift to different assets entirely. Expanding into other markets also helps ease the constant pressure of always wanting to find a trade in crypto. MTF/LTF: A lot more is happening here—nice levels to trade around. While we’re still in a downtrend, we’re slowly forming HHs. The key swing highs are still quite far away, but we might be spotting early signs of a trend shift. Of course, targeting ATHs wouldn’t be wise until these HTF SHs are broken, but we can still look for long setups and trail them properly. This allows us to gain exposure while ensuring we lock in profits along the way. Sentiment/Orderflow: While crypto-related news remains highly bullish, TradFi seems gripped by deep fear, creating a mixed sentiment overall. The best approach here is to focus on MS and base our next moves accordingly—sentiment and news should only serve as secondary confluence, while MS takes priority. As mentioned earlier, we’re starting to form HHs below HTF, which gives me a reason to look for local longs. However, this doesn’t rule out the possibility of further downside, including a potential move toward the 72K level, which remains the most significant level on BTC. Order flow clearly reflects the current mixed sentiment. Traders are quick to short the lows and long the highs, showing a lack of conviction. Many seem confused and desperate, reacting rather than planning. Outlook: With BVOL still in supply and BVOL24H at support, something big is about to happen. The key is to be prepared for every outcome. As you all know, I’ve already allocated significant funds at HTF key levels while keeping some dry powder in case we reach lower key levels. This ensures I won’t miss a potential rally from here while maintaining the flexibility to react. I’m also actively looking for LTF/MTF long and short setups. Once these trades move into profit, they pay me already and become risk-free. This strategy keeps me exposed in every direction with the potential to trail them way higher or lower—exactly how I want to be positioned as trader. Have a great week ahead you all. ✌️
Cointribune EN
Cointribune EN
Shorts Are Exploding On Bitcoin, Large Investors Are Taking Positions
As Bitcoin brushes against $85,000, a quiet tension stirs the markets. Behind this apparent resistance lies a paradoxical movement: “whales” are silently preparing their offensive. Their strategy? Massive bets on the downside, despite a technical rebound that would make optimists dream. A risky game, indicative of unprecedented distrust, but also of an invisible battle where every dollar counts. Strategy of the man. The recent rebound of Bitcoin to $87,000 has sparked a fleeting hope. Yet, data from Alphractal delineates another reality: big holders have taken advantage of this rise to lock in their gains… and open record short positions. A brutal, almost cynical turnaround. As if these actors, accustomed to reversals, see in every ascent an opportunity for a fall. This distrust is explained by a rising financial leverage, signaling an overheated Bitcoin market. The Aggregated Open Interest/Market Cap Ratio, a key indicator, is dangerously climbing. Bets with leverage are multiplying, creating a powder keg ready to explode at the slightest shock. Cascade liquidations are looming, reminiscent of past crashes where excess confidence precipitated the falls. But why are these seasoned investors defying the trend? Perhaps they anticipate a technical pullback after a consolidation that’s gone on too long. Or, are they fearing an unstable macroeconomic environment — stubborn inflation, geopolitical tensions? In any case, their massive movement weighs like a sword of Damocles over the prices. In the shadow of bearish bets, one signal intrigues: whale wallets have grown by 62,000 BTC since March. Discreet accumulation or mere repositioning? IntoTheBlock highlights this contradiction. Some see it as a sign of long-term confidence, despite current turbulence. As if major players are already preparing for the post-crisis period, playing across multiple timelines. Technical analyst Captain Faibik adds fuel to the fire of the optimists. His thesis? A “Falling Wedge” in formation, a chart pattern heralding an explosive rebound. According to him, 10 to 15 days of consolidation would be enough to propel Bitcoin towards $109,000, shattering its ATH. An enticing scenario, but one that assumes a clear break from current resistance and, above all, a market capable of withstanding the manipulations of big holders. A crucial question remains: who, algorithms or whales, will dictate the next trend? On-chain and technical indicators clash, creating unprecedented uncertainty. Small investors are navigating through murky waters, torn between the fear of missing the rebound and the dread of a bearish trap. Bitcoin today embodies a fascinating duality. On one side, large investors, armed with their short positions, are betting on a collapse. On the other side, technical and on-chain signals suggest historical potential. This tension illustrates a market in search of bearings, where each actor shapes their own vision. On the institutional side, 83% intend to increase their exposure to cryptocurrencies .
Cryptonews Official
Cryptonews Official
2025/03/20 18:00
Infini Labs $50m heist a ‘textbook insider attack,’ says security expert
Infini Labs, a crypto-focused neobank, has filed a lawsuit against an engineer it accuses of embezzling nearly $50 million from the platform. The stablecoin digital bank accuses Chen Shanxuan of retaining “super admin” authority as the crypto platform’s smart contract went live in mainnet. As a result, the engineer stole approximately $49.5 million in USDC ( USDC ) from the firm. Infini Labs filed its lawsuit in Hong Kong, via its subsidiary BP SG Investment Holding Limited. The allegation is that as a lead developer, Chen secretively retained ‘super admin’ access and used this privilege to embezzle millions of dollars in crypto from the firm. Interestingly, the lawsuit paints the picture of Chen as a man in debt and a massive gambler. The case follows the cryptocurrency credit card provider’s suffering from an exploit that saw $49.5 million drained from its coffers. The initial reaction to the loss was tha this was the work of hackers. However, the lawsuit puts Chen on the spot, with documents presented before the court asking that the accused person’s assets be frozen. Infini Labs has also asked the court to compel its former lead smart contracts engineer to disclose further transaction details. In the crypto heist Infini suffered in February, funds had vanished without the multi-signature authorization. Chen used his full access to steal, the firm notes in the lawsuit. The lawsuit against Chen comes days after Infini founder Christian Li, asked the “hacker” to take the firm up on a white hat agreement. Li’s on-chain message also highlighted a 20% bounty the company offered to the suspected attacker. Li also reiterated that Infini Labs was not going to take any legal action if the hacker complied with the white hat offer and returned the funds as requested. Trugard CTO and co-founder Jeremiah O’Connor told in a statement the exploit is a “textbook example of an insider attack” within the Web3 space. Specifically, when a single engineer holds “unchecked power” over a smart contract it creates a central point of failure. “Instead of revoking their super admin privileges as promised, this engineer kept a secret backdoor, deceived their own team, and made off with $50 million,” O’Connor added. “If the allegations are true, their motive—covering gambling losses—makes the situation even more alarming. When financial desperation meets unrestricted control, the results are almost always catastrophic. This serves as yet another wake-up call about the dangers of centralized authority in DeFi.” Security in DeFi must rely on more than just trust, he said. If Infini had in place decentralized safeguards like multi-signature wallets, on-chain transparency, or timelocks for admin changes, an exploit would have not been likely. As such, any project that allocates “absolute control” to one individual is “asking for trouble.” In Web3, security isn’t about trust; it’s about verifiable, enforced protections before things go south,” O’Connor concluded.


すべてのBitget資産の中で、時価総額がMatrix AI Networkに最も近いのはこれらの8資産です。