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Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの価格

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの‌価格ALI


Artificial Liquid Intelligenceに投票しましょう!


今日のArtificial Liquid Intelligenceの価格

Artificial Liquid Intelligence の今日の現在価格は、(ALI / JPY)あたり¥1.42 で、現在の時価総額は¥0.00 JPYです。24時間の取引量は¥0.00 JPYです。ALIからJPYの価格はリアルタイムで更新されています。Artificial Liquid Intelligence は0.95%過去24時間で変動しました。循環供給は0 です。




Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの利益を計算する

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの価格予測




2031年には、ALIの価格は+37.00%変動する見込みです。 2031年末には、ALIの価格は¥3.11に達し、累積ROIは+118.30%になると予測されます。

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの価格履歴(JPY)

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの価格は、この1年で-76.25%を記録しました。直近1年間のJPY建てALIの最高値は¥8.35で、直近1年間のJPY建てALIの最安値は¥1.08でした。
時間価格変動率(%)価格変動率(%)最低価格対応する期間における{0}の最低価格です。最高価格 最高価格
すべての期間-84.12%¥1.08(2022-11-13, 2年前 )¥14.11(2022-04-02, 2年前 )

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの市場情報

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの時価総額の履歴

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Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの保有時間別アドレス


Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの評価


Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI)について

Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI)とは?

人工リキッドインテリジェンス(ALI)は、人工知能(AI)とブロックチェーン技術の交差点にある革新的なコンセプトである。ブロックチェーンを通じてAIの民主化と分散化を目指す野心的な分散型ブロックチェーン・プロジェクト「Alethea AI」のネイティブ・トークンである。この取り組みにより、NFTと生成AIの画期的な融合であるIntelligent Non-Fungible TokensiNFTs)が誕生した。これらのiNFTデジタル資産であるだけでなく、AIによって独自の進化する個性と能力を備えている。2021年に登場したAlethea AIは、Mark CubanCrypto.comGeminiSandeep Nailwalなどからプライベートセールで1600万ドルを調達しました。それからそれほど経たないうちに、世界初のiNFTがサザビーズで50万ドル近い金額で落札されました。

ユーティリティ・トークンであるALIは、Alethea AIエコシステムの参加者を規制し、インセンティブを与え、報酬を与える上で極めて重要である。iNFTは、ブロックチェーンで管理された所有権を持ち、明確な個性を持つAI載のデジタル資産であり、その創造と進化に貢献している。これらの資産は静的なものではなく、学習、成長、相互作用が可能であり、NFT空間における大きな飛躍を意味する。





Alethea AIのエコシステムの中核をなすのは、iNFTが作られ、訓練され、利益を生むようになるインテリジェントなメタバースであるNoah's Arkである。このメタバースは単なるトレーニングの場ではなく、データ交換のハブでもあり、エコシステム全体を強化する。ALIによって数値化され、トークン化されたiNFTのインテリジェンスは、ネットワーク全体の成長と改善に貢献するダイナミックなプロセスである。iNFTsNoah's Arkのこの関係は、自立したデジタル・エコシステムの構築におけるブロックチェーンとAIの革新的な利用を例証している。


ALIAlethea AIエコシステムのユーティリティ・トークンである。iNFTの創設や強化、ガバナンス、iNFT間の連携や取引の円滑化など、AIプロトコルのさまざまな機能に不可欠です。トークンの供給上限は100億であり、管理された持続可能なエコシステムを保証する。ALIトークンは参加へのインセンティブを与えるだけでなく、iNFTのインテリジェンスのカスタマイズと進化を可能にする。これはノアの方舟における知性の単位を表し、メタバースにおける知性の流れを測定可能かつ定義可能なものにしている。


暗号通貨とブロックチェーン技術のダイナミックな世界では、人工液体インテリジェンス(ALI)の価格は複雑な要因の相互作用に影響され、市場そのものの複雑さを反映している。Alethea AIのエコシステムの中心にあるERC-20ユーティリティ・トークンとして、ALIの価値は、プラットフォーム内で認識される有用性、需要、技術的進歩と密接に結びついている。その主な原動力は、Alethea AIのエコシステム内でのIntelligent Non-Fungible Tokens (iNFTs)の有用性と採用である。このようなAIを搭載したデジタル資産が、学習、対話、進化するユニークな能力で人気を集めるにつれ、ALIトークンへの需要が高まる。このような需要は、トークンがiNFTの作成、訓練、取引に果たす役割や、AIプロトコル内のガバナンスに利用されることでさらに高まっています。


さらに、ALIトークンの供給は重要な要素である。供給上限が100億トークンであるため、特にAlethea AIのエコシステムが拡大し、これらのトークンの有用性がより明らかになるにつれて、希少性が価格を押し上げる可能性がある。トークンの流通、暗号通貨取引所での入手可能性、流動性も価格に大きく影響する。Alethea AIがイノベーションを続け、ブロックチェーンとAI業界におけるパートナーシップを構築するにつれて、ALIトークンの採用と需要が増加する可能性が高まり、その市場価値に影響を与える可能性がある。要するに、ALIの価格は、AIとブロックチェーン技術の進化を反映したものであり、市場の力、技術革新、Alethea AIのインテリジェントなメタバースという独自の価値提案によって形成されている。


Artificial Liquid Intelligence(ALI)の購入方法





Artificial Liquid IntelligenceをALIに交換

Artificial Liquid IntelligenceをALIに交換

BitgetでArtificial Liquid Intelligenceを購入するには、様々なお支払い方法をご利用いただけます。







Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの現在の価格はいくらですか?

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceのライブ価格は¥1.42(ALI/JPY)で、現在の時価総額は¥0 JPYです。Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの価値は、暗号資産市場の24時間365日休みない動きにより、頻繁に変動します。Artificial Liquid Intelligenceのリアルタイムでの現在価格とその履歴データは、Bitgetで閲覧可能です。

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの24時間取引量は?

過去24時間で、Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの取引量は¥0.00です。

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceの過去最高値はいくらですか?

Artificial Liquid Intelligence の過去最高値は¥14.11です。この過去最高値は、Artificial Liquid Intelligenceがローンチされて以来の最高値です。

BitgetでArtificial Liquid Intelligenceを購入できますか?

はい、Artificial Liquid Intelligenceは現在、Bitgetの取引所で利用できます。より詳細な手順については、お役立ちの購入方法 ガイドをご覧ください。

Artificial Liquid Intelligenceに投資して安定した収入を得ることはできますか?


Artificial Liquid Intelligenceを最も安く購入できるのはどこですか?


Artificial Liquid Intelligence(ALI)はどこで買えますか?

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Bitget Earn

1 ALI = 1.42 JPY


Cointribune EN
Cointribune EN
Bitcoin’s NFT and Layer 2 Dreams Just Met a Harsh Reality
Last year, some dreamed of perverting Bitcoin with flashy NFTs, magical layers 2, and convoluted re-staking. Purists were outraged, arguing that BTC should be left alone. Should we have waited? Clearly yes: today, these crypto whims are almost extinguished. While the fires of innovation crackled, the hype has subsided. But what remains of these promises now vanished? In the crypto universe, certain concepts have a habit of dancing and then taking their bow. Such is the case of Ordinals, these Bitcoin NFTs that made wallets vibrate. In 2024, their volume reached 1.4 billion dollars. In 2025? Barely 280 million. A free fall of 80%. The same fate for Bitcoin’s layers 2: at the beginning of 2024, more than 80 projects tried to charm investors and the media. Six months later, the soufflé has collapsed. “It was overestimated from the start,” confides Charlie Hu, co-founder of Bitlayer. Also lagging behind: re-staking, this clumsy innovation now reduced to two or three survivors. Muneeb Ali, founder of Stacks, drives the nail home : “the honeymoon is over.” Crypto entrepreneurs are starting to speak the truth. Too late? Has the crypto market become allergic to its own excesses? However, amidst the debris of hype, one idea seems to hold its ground: Bitcoin DeFi. Some envision it as a more solid alternative, less flashy. Dominik Harz (Build on Bitcoin) states it bluntly : The Bitcoin DeFi has not yet taken off. To date, 0.3% of Bitcoin’s market cap fuels DeFi uses, compared to 30% for Ethereum. A chasm of x100. But the foundations are there. Thanks to technologies like zkBTC, transactions are becoming ultra-fast, low-cost, and programmable. The future? Perhaps in the fusion between the Bitcoin blockchain and the agility of DeFi. Some, like @SamaAlbert90, already speak of a “new financial era“. The prediction of the BitcoinOS CEO? A DeFi ecosystem on Bitcoin valued at $10 billion if Ethereum stumbles. And why not? If layers 2 become performance-serving architectural tools, investments could follow. Is the flagship crypto ready to become a base for sustainable financial innovations? The cold war continues between Bitcoin and Ethereum, each camp holding onto its ambitions. Ethereum is preparing its “Hoodi” update , crucial for its scalability. If it fails, Bitcoin could scoop the pot. It would be a turning point. With its new technical layers (zkRollups, EVM compatible), Bitcoin offers attractive solutions. Maxwell Sanchez (Hemi Labs) reminds us that copying and pasting Ethereum’s tech is not enough: “It must adapt to the very core of Bitcoin.” Translation: there’s no need to force a square into a round hole. The Bitcoin network must grow in its own way. On Ethereum’s side, the pressure is high. Every major update is a risky promise. The complexity of “Hoodi” could create more problems than solutions. Meanwhile, Bitcoin is refining its vision, developing its layer 2 protocols, and waiting for its rival’s misstep. Who will win the duel of the titans in the crypto market? The one who convinces developers, users, and investors over the long term. And you, who are you betting on? Despite their apparent discredit, Bitcoin’s layers 2 could very well explode . A recent report from the Spartan Group discusses their explosive potential in the medium term… to be continued.
ADA Trading Volume Explodes, Whales Pile In: ADA Price Surge to $2 Around the Corner?
Cardano (ADA) is seeing a massive surge in trading volume and significant whale accumulation, even as its price remained relatively stable. Data shows a dramatic 63.84% jump in ADA’s 24-hour trading volume, reaching over $1.12 billion . Large ADA holders; whales, are actively increasing their stakes, adding over 50 million ADA just in the past 48 hours. This buying spree followed an earlier whale purchase of 190 million ADA just the day before. But even with all this activity, ADA’s price hasn’t moved much, which begs the question if all this whale activity can push ADA’s price up. Input Output Global (IOG), the company behind the Cardano blockchain, had announced that their Lace wallet is now multi-chain . So as it stays, Bitcoin is now integrated into the Cardano blockchain for traders adopting Lace wallet. Cardano’s price is currently in a holding pattern, primarily trading between $0.69 and 0.75. While the increase in whale activity and Lace’s new Bitcoin support are positive, the price of ADA has remained fairly flat. If the price breaks below the $0.69 support level, analysts suggest it might fall further, to around $0.57 or 0.60. Technical indicators provide some context. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) currently sits at 46.14, suggesting neutral momentum. The Bollinger Bands (BB) indicate the next resistance level to watch is 0.76, with stronger resistance at 0.93. At the time of this report, ADA trades at 0.71, down 1% over the last 24 hours. Related: “Winning” PEPE Whale Buys More as Binance Wallet Sees Heavy Traffic Despite the recent price stagnation, signals suggest Cardano might break out soon. Current data indicates relatively low selling pressure on ADA, increasing the possibility of the price testing the resistance level at 0.75. Related: Will Altseason’s Promise Hold? Bitcoin’s Resistance and Altcoins’ Anxious Wait Crypto analyst Ali Martinez shared the above chart pointing that if Cardano closes above 1.15 on the daily chart, it will confirm a bullish right-angled descending wedge pattern. This pattern suggests a potential significant price surge, possibly driving ADA up to the $2 mark. Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. The article does not constitute financial advice or advice of any kind. Coin Edition is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of the utilization of content, products, or services mentioned. Readers are advised to exercise caution before taking any action related to the company.
BTC traders face average loss of 13.86%, indicating potential fading of selling pressure Bitcoin (BTC) traders are currently facing an average loss of 13.86%, as noted by crypto analyst Ali Martinez in a recent X post. Historically, such levels have indicated that selling pressure may be diminishing.
Cryptonews Official
Cryptonews Official
Ethereum whales buy the dip, accumulate $236m ETH in 72 hours
Ethereum whales are doubling down on the top altcoin by market cap with an impressive $236 million buy wall in three days. Ethereum ( ETH ) price continues to trade below $2,000, struggling amid recent sell-off pressure. However, whales, or large-scale investors with substantial ETH holdings, are unfazed. In fact, on-chain data shows that the world’s largest altcoin by market cap has attracted significant buying activity from large holders. On March 21, crypto analyst Ali Martinez shared a chart showing a spike in whale accumulation of ETH. According to the analyst, the latest dip that saw Ethereum’s price retreat from above $2,000 allowed whales to scoop up over 120,000 Ether tokens — worth nearly $236 million — in just three days. Whales bought over 120,000 #Ethereum $ETH in the last 72 hours! According to Lookonchain, one such whale just bought 7,074 ETH worth over $13.8 million. On-chain data shows the whale withdrew 4,511 ETH worth over $8.81 million from crypto exchange OKX, and proceeded to deposit these into top decentralized finance platform Aave. But the whale did not stop there. They borrowed 5 million USDT from the DeFi protocol and deposited it into OKX, with the funds used to buy 2,563 ETH for $5 million. A whale bought 7,074 $ETH ($13.8M) today! The whale withdrew 4,511 $ETH ($8.81M) from #OKX 3 hours ago and deposited it into #Aave . Then he borrowed 5M $USDT from #Aave and deposited it into $OKX to buy another 2,563 $ETH ($5M). In this period, the price of Ethereum fluctuated between $1,872 and $2,060. ETH currently trades around $1,966, continuing the sideways action after giving up gains seen when bulls rallied 7% on Wednesday.Weekly gains are now just 1.7%, and buyers have endured a 27% pullback in the past month. Although the choppy performance has some ETH holders panic selling, whales have taken an aggressive approach. This suggests confidence in potential future price upside for Ethereum. Recently, analysts at Standard Chartered predicted ETH could climb to $4k in 2025, although this included a revised forecast from an earlier bullish take of $10k by the end of the year. This bullish outlook by the whales though has retail in an upbeat mood too.
Will Altseason’s Promise Hold? Bitcoin’s Resistance and Altcoins’ Anxious Wait
Analysts are currently tracking the crypto market, trying to gauge when the next “altseason” might kick off. CryptoBullet points to the typical four-year market cycle, expecting it to wrap up around October or November of 2025. This timeline suggests altcoins could see a surge within the next eight months. However, the current market shows some hesitation, especially with Ethereum and other altcoins not exhibiting strong momentum, leading to questions about a potential delay into 2026. Ali Martinez analyzed Bitcoin’s Altseason Indicator. He noted Bitcoin’s peak at $96,715.57 on December 10, 2024, when Bitcoin attracted $0.13 million in capital, Ethereum $0.06 million, and stablecoins $0.10 million. By March 16, 2025, Bitcoin had fallen to $82,599.04. Inflows also saw a dip, with Bitcoin receiving just $0.007 million, Ethereum $0.024 million, and stablecoins $0.020 million. Related: Altseason Incoming? Breakout Levels for Major Altcoin Rally — Analyst The Altseason Indicator has slid from 1 to 0.33, signaling weakening momentum. This suggests altseason might stall unless Bitcoin stages a significant recovery. Martinez cautions that if Bitcoin breaks below $80,000, it could indicate further downside. Conversely, a climb above $90,000 might reignite investor confidence. Related: Altseason Watch: XRP, ADA, SUI Lead Price Surge Plus Five More to Watch The total crypto market cap trended upward in mid-2024, hitting a peak above $3.6 trillion. A correction then pulled it back to $2.69 trillion. While the market is attempting a recovery, resistance levels are capping its progress. The $2.69 trillion mark now acts as immediate support. Short-term support sits at $2.71 trillion, while a stronger demand zone lies between $2.6 trillion and $2.55 trillion. The next key resistance is at $2.74 trillion, aligning with the 50-day moving average. A more significant ceiling exists at $2.84 trillion, near the 200-day moving average. Ethereum currently trades at $1,967.74 , down 0.86% in the last 24 hours. Avalanche is at $18.58 , a 1.22% decrease, and Solana is priced at $126.61 , having lost 3.02% over the same period. These declines reflect a broader trend of altcoins struggling for upward movement, adding to the uncertainty around a near-term altseason. Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. The article does not constitute financial advice or advice of any kind. Coin Edition is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of the utilization of content, products, or services mentioned. Readers are advised to exercise caution before taking any action related to the company.


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