Get Contract OI Limit
Rate Limit: 10 req/sec/IP
Interface is used to get future contract OI Limit.
HTTP Request
- GET /api/v2/mix/market/oi-limit
Request Example
curl ""
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | No | Trading pair, based on the symbolName, i.e. BTCUSDT |
productType | String | Yes | Product typeUSDT-FUTURES USDT professional futuresCOIN-FUTURES Mixed futuresUSDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures |
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1741596239587,
"data": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"notionalValue": "100000",
"totalNotionalValue": "200000"
"symbol": "BCHUSDT",
"notionalValue": "100000",
"totalNotionalValue": "200000"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
> symbol | String | Product name |
> notionalValue | String | Individual User Position Notional Value |
> totalNotionalValue | String | Sub-account and Main-account Position Notional Value |