Copy trading

Bitget’s One-Click Copy Trade User Agreement

2022-08-02 15:142356228539

Dear Global Bitgetters,

By participating in the copy trading services directly or indirectly, you acknowledge that you agree to and abide by this User Agreement, including any modifications made to it by our website from time to time. Please read through the following Terms and Conditions for copy trading.

Terms and Conditions:

I. User eligibility

  1. You should be eligible investors meeting the requirements of applicable laws and regulations in this agreement.
  2. You should be 18 years or older with full civil capacity and sufficient knowledge and experience to understand the nature and risk of the product to be traded.
  3. You should be the legitimate owner of the fund in your Bitget account and never use the platform to perform illegal acts. Your fund and digital assets should be lawfully obtained.

II. Trading services

You should carefully assess the authenticity, legality and validity of relevant digital assets and / or information, and solely bear the responsibilities and losses that may arise therefrom. Unless otherwise required by laws and regulations, the platform has no obligation to verify information about user data, cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin), transaction behaviour and any other transaction-related issues in advance.

III. Dispute and legal obligations

  1. Should any dispute arise between you and any other user during copy trading on our platform, once you or the other user or both of you decide to ask for platform intervention, the platform is entitled to make decisions at its own discretion. In this case, you acknowledge and accept its judgment and decision regarding the transaction dispute.
  2. You understand and agree that the platform has the right to provide users’ transaction records and other necessary data when required by government authorities, including judiciary and administration departments. If you are suspected of infringing the legitimate rights and interests of others, such as intellectual property rights, the platform has the right to provide your necessary identity information to the right holder, regulatory or legal departments, provided that there is preliminary proof of the existence of such suspected infringement.

IV. Disclaimers

  1. You acknowledge and agree that the platform shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, reputation, usage, data, or other intangible losses (whether or not we have been advised of the possibility of such damages) arising out of any of the following circumstances:
    • The platform has reasonable grounds to believe that there may be a material breach of law or contract with respect to a particular member or transaction.
    • The platform has reasonable grounds to believe that your conduct on this Website is suspected of being illegal or improper.
    • The expenses and losses arising from the purchase or acquisition of any data, information or transaction, etc. through the services offered by this platform.
    • Your misunderstanding of our copy trading services.
    • Any other losses related to platform services that are not caused by the One-Click Copy Trade service.
    • Any or all losses incurred during your direct or indirect involvement in copy trading.
  1. Risks associated with the One-Click Copy Trade feature include but are not limited to automatic trading operations, where your account can begin and end transactions without your manual intervention.
  2. One-Click Copy Trade can fail or incur high costs due to latency.
  3. You can choose your investment management service and decide to follow a specific trader and/or a particular trading strategy. In making these decisions, you have considered your overall financial situation, including financial planning, and understand that using the One-Click Copy Trade feature is highly speculative, and you may incur losses much more significant than the amount used to follow the trader.
  4. The information provided through our One-Click Copy Trade is only for your reference. Any investment decision based on the information provided on our website or obtained through the One-Click Copy Trade feature is made at your own risk.
  5. You should always do your research before making an investment decision. You should make your own judgment as to whether the investments, strategies and any other products and services meet your own needs based on your investment objectives and personal financial status.
  6. You shall be solely responsible for any losses incurred due to the automatic operations of the One-Click Copy Trade feature.
  7. Any information on the website or app is intended to provide the public with updated transaction data of traders and followers. This website does not provide investment advice of any kind, nor does it in any way imply such information or functionality. You should conduct independent research on the information collected through the platform or the One-Click Copy Trade feature to make your own investment decisions.
  8. For other matters not stated here, the platform reserves the right of final interpretation within the scope of the law.

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