Competitions and promotions
Earn a $25 weekly incentive as a new P2P merchant!
2025-03-27 12:4841231
Become a P2P merchant on Bitget and earn 25 USDT in incentives every week for up to 3 weeks!
This offer is exclusive to P2P merchants using the following currencies: PKR, INR, BDT, NGN, KES, GHS, ETB, ZAR.
How to earn the $25 incentives as a new P2P merchant on Bitget?
Hold between 1000 to 5000 USDT in your P2P ad every day for at least 5 days a week.
You will receive 0.5% of the USDT amount held in your P2P ad as an incentive, with a maximum incentive of 25 USDT.
Your P2P ad must be online for at least 6 hours every day and at least 5 days a week.
Merchants who hold more USDT in their P2P ads daily will receive priority, provided they meet the conditions above.
The top 50 merchants will receive incentives each week.
Only USDT in the "Buy" page of your P2P ad will be considered for this incentive.
Only merchants who registered as P2P merchants on Bitget within the last 4 weeks will be eligible for this incentive.
A week is considered from Thursday to Wednesday.
Incentives will be distributed in USDT within seven working days after each Friday.
Bitget reserves the right to disqualify users who perform wash trading, bulk registration of accounts, or trades that display attributes of self-dealing or market manipulation.
Bitget reserves the right to the final interpretation of the Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
For any concerns or inquiries related to P2P orders or appeals, please reach out to us at
For queries regarding merchant applications, contact us on Telegram at
@bitgetp2ppay or
@P2PBitgetSupport, or email us at
Log in to Bitget > Choose "Buy Crypto" > Choose "P2P Trading" > Choose the currency that applies to you
Begin your P2P trading journey