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Announcement: Renaming of funding account to OTC account

2025-02-14 07:0041455

Bitget is dedicated to providing simpler and more user-friendly services. To further enhance the alignment of our product features and improve the user experience, we have decided to rename the Funding account.

Details are as follows:

1. Name adjustment

· The original funding account will be renamed to OTC account.

2. Functions unchanged

· The renaming will not affect the functionality of the OTC account (formerly the funding account), such as deposits, transfers, P2P trading, and Bitget Card.

3. Asset security unaffected

· The adjustment only involves a change to the account name. Your holdings and account security will not be affected.

4. API users not affected

· The name adjustment does not involve any parameter or configuration changes.

Thank you for your support and trust. As always, we are committed to providing you with better products and services. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact customer service.

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