Maintenance or system updates

Bitget to support the Mines of Dalarnia (DAR) Token Swap and Rebranding to Dar Open Network (D)

2024-12-21 04:0064044

Bitget will support the Mines of Dalarnia (DAR) token swap and rebranding to Dar Open Network (D).

Timeline details:

  • On January 6, 2025, at 11:00 AM (UTC+8), Bitget will delist the DARUSDT spot trading pair and cancel all pending spot trade orders.

  • Deposits and withdrawals for DAR will be suspended on January 6, 2025, at 11:30 AM (UTC+8).

  • After the token swap, DAR tokens will be rebranded to the ticker D on Bitget (1 DAR = 1 D).

  • All DAR balances will be recovered, and D tokens will be distributed to eligible users at a 1:1 ratio.

  • Bitget will open D/USDT trading service no later than 16:00 (UTC+8) on January 9, 2025. The opening time of D deposit and withdrawal services will be announced separately.

  • The old DAR contract addresses are as follows:

  • The new D contract addresses are as follows:

Please note:

  • Bitget will no longer support deposits of DAR tokens after the token swap.

  • We will notify users in a separate announcement once the deposit and withdrawal services for D are available after the token swap is completed.

  • In case of any discrepancy between the translated versions and the original English version, the English version shall prevail.

For more details, refer to the following:

Project announcement

Spot margin

Bitget will remove the DARUSDT trading pair from spot margin and close trading at 11:00 AM on December 27, 2024 (UTC+8).

The details are as follows:

Suspension of borrowing and lending features:

Bitget has closed borrowing and lending for the relevant trading pair.

Positions will be closed and liquidated, and the trading feature will be unavailable.

Bitget will automatically close the positions of users still holding positions in the relevant pair at 11:00 AM on December 27, 2024 (UTC+8), cancel all pending orders in margin accounts for the pair, and liquidate any outstanding liabilities. Margin trading services for the pair will be disabled, and assets will be automatically transferred to the spot account.

Users are strongly advised to close positions, cancel orders, repay loans, and transfer funds related to the relevant pairs in advance to avoid potential losses.


Bitget will suspend the opening of new futures positions for DARUSDT starting from December 21, 2024, 3:00 PM (UTC+8). The order closing feature, closed orders, and TP/SL for DARUSDT futures will remain unaffected.

Users holding DARUSDT futures positions must close them by December 26, 2024, 3:00 PM (UTC+8). After this time, Bitget will suspend futures trading for DARUSDT, cancel all related open orders, settle and close any remaining positions.


Bitget Crypto Loan will delist DAR and discontinue lending and collateral services at 3:00 PM on December 21, 2024 (UTC+8). All ongoing loan orders involving DAR as debt or collateral will be automatically liquidated. The remaining principal and collateral will be returned to the user's spot account upon liquidation. For details, visit Crypto Loans > History > Status > System Liquidation.

To avoid potential losses, users are strongly advised to repay their loans in advance.

Spot trading bots

To enhance user experience, the following trading pair will be removed from Bitget spot trading bots on January 6, 2025, at 11:00 AM (UTC+8):



• After removal, the system will automatically cancel any pending orders and return the relevant assets to your account.

• Users will no longer be able to create new bots with the delisted trading pairs.

• Users will no longer be able to publish active bots with the delisted trading pairs in the Recommended section of the bot copy trading page.

Bots using delisted trading pairs that are listed in the Recommended section of the bot copy trading page will be removed.

Users are strongly advised to terminate bots with active trading pairs to avoid potential losses. Thank you for your support and understanding!

Futures trading bots

Bitget will delist DARUSDT for futures trading bots on December 26, 2024, 3:00 PM (UTC+8).

Notes for bot users:

  • Users should close any relevant orders in advance if they hold bot orders in these trading pairs.

  • The publish and purchase features for these bots will be suspended once the trading pairs are removed from the platform.

  • Upon removal, the system will automatically cancel any pending bot orders and return the relevant assets to your account.

  • Users will still be able to view the historical data of these bots after removal.


Cryptocurrencies are subjected to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to do their research and invest at their own risk.Thank you for supporting Bitget!

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