Competitions and promotions

Trick or treat! Share your horrible Bitget image to win 100 USDT! πŸŽ‰

2024-10-28 08:23145724

Trick or treat! Share your horrible Bitget image to win 100 USDT! πŸŽ‰ image 0

Trick or Treat! Celebrate Halloween by sharing a horrible Bitget-related image. Complete all tasks to win a share of 100 USDT.
Promotion Period: 9:00 AM UTC, October 28 – 9:00 AM UTC, November 1

How to participate:
  1. Follow Bitget Builders on Twitter, retweet and tag 3 friends.
  2. Join our Telegram channel( link).
  3. Share a horrible Bitget-related image along with the inspiration behind your idea and tag @BitgetBuilders.
  4. Complete all the tasks in the form.
Rewards Distribution:
10 lucky builders will be randomly selected to equally share 100 USDT!
Terms and Conditions:
  1. Rewards are limited to 10 lucky winners who have completed all the tasks. Bitget Builders have priority to win. If you’re not yet a builder, please fill out the application form to join the Bitget Builders program.
  2. Rewards will be distributed within 7 working days after the event ends.
  3. Any mischievous behavior is strictly prohibited. Bitget has the right to revoke the participants' right to receive rewards.
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