
How to block/unblock a buyer/seller on Bitget P2P-APP

2024-05-29 08:170528

On Bitget P2P mobile app, we have a feature which allows our merchants or traders to block any specific buyer/seller.

1. After you select a buyer/seller from P2P market, click the button on top right and it will lead you to the buyer/seller's [Profile].

How to block/unblock a buyer/seller on Bitget P2P-APP image 0

2. In [Profile], click the menu button (3 dots) on top right and you are able to block the buyer/seller from trading with you in P2P.

How to block/unblock a buyer/seller on Bitget P2P-APP image 1

3. To release the buyer/seller from blocklist, click the menu button (3 dots) and go to [P2P Management].

How to block/unblock a buyer/seller on Bitget P2P-APP image 2

Next, choose [BlackList].

How to block/unblock a buyer/seller on Bitget P2P-APP image 3

4. Click [Unblock] to release the buyer/seller from blocklist.

How to block/unblock a buyer/seller on Bitget P2P-APP image 4

If you wish to become one of our merchants, please click here to submit your application.
For any P2P questions, please email us at anytime!
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