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Bitget's Warning About Phishing Websites and Apps
2024-04-24 07:4701804
We noticed an announcement from Hong Kong SFC today, warning the public of entities operating under the names of “CBEX Group” and “Bitget Pro” for suspected virtual asset-related fraudulent activities.
We would like to clarify that "Bitget Pro" is a scam that impersonates the Bitget brand and has nothing to do with the
Bitget exchange. We urge individuals to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence when engaging with any virtual asset service provider. Please be wary of all kinds of phishing websites and apps, and download Bitget’s official app through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Bitget strictly abides by Hong Kong's laws and regulations on virtual asset investment, has completely withdrawn from the Hong Kong market in 2023, and Hong Kong users can no longer access Bitget services and products. Currently, Bitget provides secure, efficient, and smart digital transactions services to 25 million users in more than 100 countries and regions. We take our commitment to compliance and regulatory standards very seriously, and have implemented robust compliance measures to ensure the integrity of our services. We prioritize the protection of our clients and the integrity of the financial ecosystem above all else.
We would like to assure our clients, partners, and stakeholders that their trust and confidence in Bitget
are well-placed. Our commitment to compliance and ethical business practices remains unwavering.
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