Competitions and promotions

Evadore(EVA) will be listed on Bitget. Come and grab a share of 100,000 EVA !

2023-09-20 11:000499
Evadore(EVA) will be listed on Bitget. Come and grab a share of 100,000 EVA ! image 0

We are pleased to announce the listing of Evadore(EVA) on Bitget. Join to grab a share of 100,000 EVA !
Use the Register Now button to participate:
Promotion period: September 22, 7 PM – September 29, 7 PM (UTC+8)
Activity: Trade and grab a share of 100,000 EVA!
Users who reach a EVA trading volume (including spot trading and buying crypto with credit/debit card) of 100 USDT during the promotion will grab a share of the 100,000 EVA prize pool! Users will be rewarded according to the proportion of their individual EVA trading volume to the total EVA trading volume of all participants. Each user can earn up to 1,250 EVA. Rewards worth less than 0.1 USDT will not be distributed.
* Individual reward = individual EVA trading volume ÷ total EVA trading volume of all participants × 100,000 EVA
*EVA trading volume = EVA purchases + EVA sales (including spot trading and buying crypto with credit/debit card).
Terms and conditions
  1. Participants must complete registration and KYC verification to be eligible for rewards.
  2. Rewards will be distributed to the winners' spot accounts within seven working days after the end of the promotion.
  3. Net deposits = total deposits – total withdrawals (only on-chain transfers counted).
  4. VIP users and m arket maker accounts are not eligible for the promotion.
  5. Only main accounts are eligible for the promotion. Any sub-accounts participating in this promotion will be disqualified and will not be distributed with any rewards.
  6. All participants must strictly comply with Bitget's terms and conditions.
  7. In case of cheating or using multiple accounts for rewards, or other violations, Bitget reserves the right to disqualify the users involved and forfeit their rewards.
  8. Bitget reserves the right to amend or revise the terms of this promotion, or cancel it at any time without prior notice at its sole discretion.
  9. Bitget reserves the right of final decision for this promotion. Contact customer service if you have any questions.
Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite their high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to conduct their own research and invest at their own risk.
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