How to block users from trading with you on P2P?
2023-09-07 04:571966
Bitget P2P, if you don't want to do P2P trading with a specific user or merchant, you can use the block function. With this Block function, you can restrict that user or merchant from doing future orders with you. You can also manage your blacklist to unblock them later.
How to Block one user?
If you don't want to continue P2P trading with a user, first you can go to the P2P order that you had done with that user.
Tap the chat button on the up-right corner of the order page.
Tap the 3-dot button on the up-right corner of the chat page, then click [ Block].

How to Block one merchant?
If you don't want to do P2P trading with a merchant, first, go to the P2P ads list and click the avatar of that merchant, then you can open the Merchant homepage. You can also open this Merchant homepage on the chat page with one merchant.
Click [ Block] on the up-right corner of the Merchant homepage.

How to manage the blacklist?
Open the P2P ads list page and tap the 3-dot button on the up-right corner, then click [ P2P management].
Click [ Blacklist] on the P2P management page.
You can see your blacklist. If you want to move one user out of your blacklist, you can click [ Unblock] after this user's name.
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