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[PH partner limited] Bitget partner onboarding bonus

2023-08-29 11:450349
[PH partner limited] Bitget partner onboarding bonus image 0
We're thrilled to introduce our innovative points redemption system exclusively designed for our valued Phillippines partners. As part of the Bitget Philippines community, you have the unique opportunity to create engaging content in collaboration with us and earn substantial rewards in return. Our partnership is more than just collaboration – it's about driving Bitget's growth in the dynamic Philippines m arket together.

1. Loyalty points/rewards

Get points based on the number of valid postings you spread. Use points to get promotion rewards as much as you can!
No. Valid content Points Max promotion times per month Max points KOL will get per month
1 Include Bitget-related content in a video. 50 6 300
2 Share PnL cards/trading signals related to Bitget (with a following of at least 3000). 15 5 75
3 Participate as a guest in an AMA/Twitter Space within the community and share it with your own followers. 150 3 450
4 Create a dedicated video about Bitget's products or main campaigns, with a duration of at least 5 minutes. 100 5 500
5 Promote Bitget's official campaigns on a minimum of 2 social media platforms (with a following of at least 3000). 25 6 150

2. How to transfer points into rewards

Points BGB or Trading bonus(USDT) or Bitget Merchandise
1 100 $20 30
T-Shirt/Bitget cup/Laptop bag/Hoodie
2 200 $50 75
Boxing set/merch set/ KCGI building block
3 500 $150 200
All set
4 1000 $400 500 -
5 1500 $600 700 -
*Note: over 1000 points, you can choose one of Bitget Merchandises

3. How to redeem

Important note:
  1. A qualified post is defined as having received interactions, such as at least 20 likes or other forms of engagement. Bitget reserves the right to determine the eligibility of content.
  2. Bitget may make slight adjustments to the promotional rewards on a monthly basis.

  1. Who is qualified for this program?
You need to be a financial influencer or opinion leader with a community of 500+ members on one or more community groups( Telegram, Discord, Facebook) or you need to have more than 3,000+ followers or subscribers on one or more social media platforms (Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).
  1. When and where will the promotion bonus be distributed?
Promotion rewards will be made to your Bitget account every calendar month between the 5th and 10th.
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