Competitions and promotions

Join Bitget Insights! Posting + Sharing, Claim 4000 $BGB!

2023-08-07 11:080386
Join Bitget Insights! Posting + Sharing, Claim 4000 $BGB! image 0
This summer of August, Bitget prepared over 4000 $BGB prizes for all to share the joy of copy trading! During the campaign, all users/traders who have accumulated 3/7/14 days of posting on Insights will be awarded 10/25/60$BGB prize draw!
At least 2350$BGB airdrop rewards are waiting for you to claim! More than 150 winners will split the prize pool.
What's More?
During the campaign, go to Insights and post your trading tips or tricks along with trading earnings pictures, remembering to add hastags #CopyTradingWins or #GoldenTrader.
Users who post with the #CopyTradingWins hashtag can share in their content how you have made profits efficiently and easily by copy trading. Professional traders can share their trading strategies and how you make money with your followers.
Users who post with the #GoldenTrader hashtag can share how you chose the right traders for you and the strategies that work for you. For professional traders, you can post your trading history, show your investment results, and share your perspective as a trader on how to attract many followers.
Bitget will weight the number of likes x0.5 + retweets x1 for each hastag post.
If you are a trader
The top 3 quality traders with the most likes/re-tweets will be selected and each will receive an additional 500 $BGB/400 $BGB/300 $BGB in cash prizes in descending order of ranking!
If you are a user
If you are a subscriber, the top 3 quality traders with the most Likes/Retweets on this page will each receive an additional 200 $BGB/150 $BGB/100 $BGB in cash, in descending order of ranking!
Note: The more posts + likes and retweets you have, the higher chances you win the draw, so come and share your views on cryptocurrencies with everyone!

Duration: August 8 - August 29

Prize Pool:

Total 4000 $BGB


  1. Posts must be new and original works of the entrant and must be created during the campaign period to be eligible for the prize and submitted before the end of this campaign.
  2. Bitget owns all posts and entrants own copyrights. Bitget reserves the right to reproduce, adapt, display, publish, etc., the works submitted in the Contest.
  3. The content of the article can be the trader's trading experience, m arket analysis, new project e xplanation and other dry content.
  4. It is strictly prohibited to use malicious behaviors to gain profit, including opening multiple accounts and brushing volume, operating multiple accounts with the same IP address, posting false/non-original content, and other cheating behaviors. Once found, Bitget reserves the right to delete the post and disqualify the participant from participating in the event and winning the prize.
  5. All prizes will be awarded within 7 working days after the end of the campaign.
  6. Bitget reserves the right to interpret the terms and conditions of this campaign. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team.

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