How to buy and sell crypto on Bitget P2P? Ad Posting Requirements
2023-08-03 02:4402098
Bitget P2P merchants can post P2P advertisements publicly.
Merchants can select the type of ad, like trading amount, price, conditions, etc. when they post the ad.
Users interested in becoming a P2P Merchant can tap the [
Apply to be a merchant] button on the
P2P trading page to submit their applications.
Before applying to be a P2P merchant, you must fulfill the below requirements:
Add a valid mobile number;
Bind your email;
Complete Identification Verification;
Add your payment methods;
A certain amount of USDT in your spot account as a safety deposit.
Safety Deposit: This safety deposit can be withdrawn whenever you decide to quit as a merchant. After you are verified by the
Bitget P2P team, you can post P2P ads as a merchant. For general users (non-merchants), we will provide functions for them to post P2P ads in the coming future soon.
For more information, please refer to:
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