
Bitget P2P Merchant Guidelines

2023-06-13 10:03689798
To create a fair, secure, and reliable trading environment for users on the Bitget P2P platform, all P2P merchants need to abide by the following principles.
General Principles
  • Be honest, polite, and fair.
  • Be responsible for your ads. Confirm the price and quantity before publishing.
  • Always make payments, release tokens, and reply to users in a timely manner. Only accept payments in the methods you advertise and those available on Bitget.
  • Do not cancel orders arbitrarily and do not appeal maliciously. Contact users directly before filing an appeal.
  • Do not include the word “Bitget”, local bank names, payment method names, or any sensitive words in your nickname.
  • Email for any queries regarding your merchant application.
Trading Principles
Ⅰ. Payment and Receipt of Funds
  1. Bitget requires the account holder's name on your payment method to be consistent with the name you used in the Identity Verification on Bitget. If your name is not identical to that on your ID/Passport, please contact the CS team for assistance.
  2. When receiving funds, if the counterparty’s bank account information is inconsistent with their verified name on the platform, do not release the crypto. You can make a refund to them, and the counterparty should cover any fee charged by the payment method used for the refund. Furthermore, we strongly recommend you to report orders of that nature to us.
  3. When making a payment, merchants can cancel the order if the counterparty uses a non-authenticated account to receive the payment. We strongly recommend you to report orders of that nature to us.
  4. We recommend enabling the Order Acceptance feature when publishing sell ads and requiring users to undergo additional identity verification. After enabling the Order Acceptance feature, the other party will need your permission to access your payment account number and other information. Alternatively, your payment information will be directly displayed to the other party once they have placed an order.
    However, the user has the right to refuse identity verification. If a user refuses to provide additional information, we recommend that you proceed by either refunding the user, canceling the order directly, or seeking assistance from our customer support team to facilitate the order cancellation.
Ⅱ. Asset security
  1. Merchants must not participate in any form of transactions involving illegal funds.
  2. When the user complains that their bank card is frozen after receiving a payment from the merchant, the merchant must cooperate with Bitget proactively providing evidence. If the merchant’s bank account is frozen due to the counterparty’s fault, the merchants shall contact the local police immediately and contact the CS team.
  3. If a merchant brings illegal digital assets or illegal funds into Bitget, resulting in legal risks and the loss of assets for Bitget and its users, Bitget has the right to disqualify the merchant, ban all their activities, and confiscate the security deposit.
Ⅲ. Operating rules
  1. Please read the Merchant Portal Tutorial carefully before trading.
  2. You are not encouraged to trade with users outside the Bitget P2P platform. If you trade with users privately, Bitget will not bear any responsibility for any potential losses. You should not share any personal contacts (social networks, messengers) in the ads, the trading conditions, or the auto-reply.
  3. After completing the payment, you should contact the counterparty directly if they do not release the tokens after 15 minutes. If there is no response, click on Appeal and wait patiently for a Bitget P2P agent to contact you.
  4. You should not initiate a small transfer to a user's bank account for testing purposes without obtaining their consent first.
  5. You cannot post links to third-party resources in the “rem arks” or “auto-reply” sections, especially links that lead to other exchanges/P2P/OTC platforms.
  6. We may hide or close your ad without prior notice if you violate the Merchant Guidelines.
Ⅳ. Disqualification
If one of the following conditions applies, you may be disqualified:
  1. You do not cooperate with our customer support team when processing the appeal order.
  2. You charge any form of extra fees or commissions from users.
  3. You contact the user to carry out transactions outside the Bitget platform.
  4. You leak the user's name, contact information, address, and other related information.
  5. You spread false information that affects Bitget.
  6. You gain an advantage through unfair competition.
  7. You use more than one merchant account to take advantage of trading or block assets of other merchants.
  8. You receive a large number of negative feedback from other users.
  9. You use foul and offensive language on the platform. This includes, but is not limited to, the tools permitting messaging with other users, and customer support live chat.

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