Spot Margin

Introduction to Bitget cut-rate coupons

2023-05-26 15:4811153

1. Cut-rate coupons

1.1 Cut-rate coupons allow users the enjoy lower margin interest.

1.2 You can search for and claim cut-rate coupons in the Coupons Center.

2. Searching for and claiming cut-rate coupons


On the homepage, go to Profile > Dashboard > Coupons Center > Cut-Rate Coupons.


On the homepage, tap the Profile icon, then go to Coupons Center > Cut-Rate Coupons.

Cut-rate coupons can be used once claimed (no need to make any transfers).

3. Applying cut-rate coupons

3.1 Cut-rate coupons can be used to reduce margin interest. Each coupon states its supported coins and its interest reduction.

3.2 For margin consisting of more than one coin, the cut-rate coupon will only apply to the supported coin.

3.3 When you use margin, eligible interest deduction coupons will be automatically applied automatically and start counting down right away.

3.4 If there is more than one cut-rate coupon available, active coupons will be used first, followed by coupons with the highest discount and shortest validity period. Active coupons cannot be substituted by new coupons.

3.5 After using the coupon, the interest rate will be discounted starting from the next interest settlement. When you have no margin, the interest discount will take effect starting from the next time you use margin.

4. Note

4.1 Cut-rate coupons will expire if they are not claimed within the claiming period.

4.1 Once claimed, cut-rate coupons will expire if they are not used within the validity period.

5. Disclaimer

5.1 Bitget reserves the right to take action against accounts that display malicious behavior and to recover any losses.

5.2 Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the rules and conditions of using coupons.

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