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Join Bitget to Share $5,000 AIDOGE Token Airdrop
2023-04-19 09:270472

Global Bitgetters,
Great news - $AIDOGE,$PEPE, and $WOJAK are officially listed on Bitget and ready to be traded!
In celebration of our newly listed tokens and to welcome our Bitget newcomers, we are excited to offer a special community new user deposit campaign with $AIDOGE aidrops from a $5,000 reward pool!
Campaign Time: April 19, 12 PM UTC - May 3, 12 PM UTC
How to participate:
Register on Bitget through This Specific Sign Up Link and make a trade of at least $20 in AI DOGE/USDT pair to earn $10 worth of AIDOGE
Refer a friend to join Bitget using your own referral link to earn $5 AIDOGE for each successful referralHow to find your referral link: Visit - Click "Account" - "Referral Program" - Copy your "Referral Link" as shown below)
Fill out the Google Form here to complete your submission!
How to win:
First 400 newcomers of Bitget will be distributed rewards of $10 AIDOGE each after making a trade of at least $20 in spot account for $AIDOGE;
A $1,000 reward pool has been set aside for participants who have made successful referrals. $5 AIDOGE for each successful referral will be randomly distributed based on the number of successful referrals that have been made; Rewards can be stacked for participants who have made multiple rewards.
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