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$150 reward every week for Indian P2P merchants on Bitget P2P!
2023-04-14 05:360399
Global Bitgetters,
Bitget is giving away $150 rewards for Indian merchants every week.
Registration form
How can I get
150 rewards every week from Bitget P2P?
Sel l USDT on Bitget P2P INR Page, you can get 1.5% of the total sell volume as reward.Reward= your total USDT sell volume in a week x 1.5%
If you sell up too 10,000 USDT in a week as a merchant, then you can get $150 as reward.
You must satisfy the following conditions to get this reward every week!
You should provide at least $1000 in your advertisement every day. If you provide more, you can get more rewards.
You should offer a better competitive price for sel ling USDT on Bitget P2P.
Your P2P Advertisement must have a min order limit of $50 and Max order limit of $500.
AD should be online at least 4 hours every day.
Each merchant can get a maximum of up to $150 on his total sales volume in a week.
Only merchants who register through the following form and connect with us through telegram @bitgetp2ppay can participate in this offer.
Your weekly volume is calculated as the volume sold between Friday to Friday.
Rewards will be distributed on Tuesday to your Bitget spot wallet.
To learn how to become a P2P merchant or How to post an Advertisement on Bitget click here.
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