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$150 reward every week for Indian P2P merchants on Bitget P2P!

2023-04-14 05:360399

$150 reward every week for Indian P2P merchants on Bitget P2P! image 0

Global Bitgetters,

Bitget is giving away $150 rewards for Indian merchants every week.

Registration form

How can I get $ 150 rewards every week from Bitget P2P?
  1. Sel l USDT on Bitget P2P INR Page, you can get 1.5% of the total sell volume as reward.
    Reward= your total USDT sell volume in a week x 1.5%
  2. If you sell up too 10,000 USDT in a week as a merchant, then you can get $150 as reward.
You must satisfy the following conditions to get this reward every week!
  • You should provide at least $1000 in your advertisement every day. If you provide more, you can get more rewards.
  • You should offer a better competitive price for sel ling USDT on Bitget P2P.
  • Your P2P Advertisement must have a min order limit of $50 and Max order limit of $500.
  • AD should be online at least 4 hours every day.
  • Each merchant can get a maximum of up to $150 on his total sales volume in a week.
  • Only merchants who register through the following form and connect with us through telegram @bitgetp2ppay can participate in this offer.
  • Your weekly volume is calculated as the volume sold between Friday to Friday.
  • Rewards will be distributed on Tuesday to your Bitget spot wallet.

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