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Join Bitget External AMA with VAIOT, Win $2,000 VAIOT

2023-03-01 14:510208

Join Bitget External AMA with VAIOT, Win $2,000 VAIOT image 0

Global Bitgetters,

Bitget External AMA with VAIOT will go LIVE on VAIOT Telegram Community. Grab the chance to share a prize pool of $2,000 VAIOT

βŒ›οΈ Time: 12:00 PM (UTC) | March 2nd, 2023

πŸ”₯ Venue:

πŸ’Ž Prize Pool: $2000 VAIOT

AMA Agenda

1. Basic Introduction

2. Educational sharing for Bitget newbies

AMA Welfares
1. Quiz: $50 VAIOT

2. News Fans Airdrop: $600 VAIOT

3. Social Sharing Rewards: $600 VAIOT

4. Newbies Rewards: $750 VAIOT

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