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Join Bitget Internal AMA with Vesta, Win 4000 VSTA!

2023-02-24 09:100186

Join Bitget Internal AMA with Vesta, Win 4000 VSTA! image 0

Global Bitgetters,

Bitget Internal AMA with Vesta will go LIVE in Bitget English Telegram Group. Grab the chance to share a prize pool of 4000 VSTA!

⌛️ Event Period: ​​ February 24, 10 AM - February 27, 10 AM (UTC)

💎 Prize Pool: 4000 VSTA

🔥 How to Participate? Check Fill out the gleam here

Bitget Internal AMA with Vesta

Time: 12 PM (UTC) | Febtuary 24, 2023


AMA Agenda

1. Basic Introduction

2. Educational sharing for Bitget newbies

AMA Welfares
1. Quiz: 120 VSTA

2. New Fans Airdrop: 3040 VSTA

3. Newbies Rewards: 840 VSTA