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Join Bitget Mutual AMA with MarsDAO, Win $6,000 MDAO
2023-02-22 07:150174
Global Bitgetters,
Bitget Mutual AMA with MarsDAO will go LIVE on Bitget Twitter Space. Grab the chance to share a prize pool of $6,000 MDAO
⌛️ Time: 10:00 AM (UTC) | February 22, 2022
🔥 Venue:
💎 Prize Pool: $6000 MDAO
Bitget Mutual AMA with MarsDAO
Time: 10:00 AM (UTC) | February 22, 2022
AMA Agenda
1. Basic Introduction
2. Educational sharing for Bitget newbies
AMA Welfares
1. Quiz: $100 MDAO
2. New Fans Airdrop: $1200 MDAO
3. Social Sharing Rewards: $2000 MDAO
4. Newbies Rewards: $2000 MDAO
5. Referral Rewards $700 MDAO