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Make Bitget Spot Margin Trading to Claim the Exclusive Reward up to 3,000 USDT!

2022-12-15 02:300431
Make Bitget Spot Margin Trading to Claim the Exclusive Reward up to 3,000 USDT! image 0
Dear Global Bitgetters,
Bitget has launched cross margin and isolated margin for spot trading and supports leverage of up to 10X. Users can borrow more assets by staking the margin to make spot buying or selling, and consequently seize more opportunities to make profits.
Make Bitget spot margin trading to earn up to 3,000 USDT reward!
Event Duration: December 15, 2022 - December 21, 2022
The event rule: During the event period, users can participate in the event by borrowing any kind of coin into Bitget cross margin account or isolated margin account and making trades. The top 1 user by trading volume can earn the exclusive 3,000 USDT reward. Other users can earn rewards of different tiers based on trading volume ranking. Details are as follows:
Trading Volume Ranking
3,000 USDT
2 - 50
Share 5,000 USDT
Evenly share 2,000 USDT
* Currently Bitget spot margin trading has zero transaction fee

[Participate now]


1. Users need to register successfully and complete KYC, and the event is not available to market makers.
2. Rewards will be distributed within seven working days after the event ends.
3. Bitget reserves the right to exclude any fraudulent activities, including but not limited to malicious wash trading, and Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the event.

Thanks for your support, and we will continue to provide better products and services!
Despite high growth potential, cryptocurrencies still face high risks and volatility. You are strongly advised to do your own research as you invest at your own risk.
Bitget Team
December 15, 2022