
How to use Simplex to buy crypto on Bitget

2022-10-27 10:2301680

Dear Global Bitgetters,

How do I Get Started with Simplex:

1. Log in to your Bitget account and click [ Buy crypto] - [Third-party Payment] from the top navigation bar


2. Choose the fiat currency and the crypto you want to buy. Enter the amount you want to spend in fiat. Select [SIMPLEX] as the payment channel and click [Next].


3. You will be redirected to Simplex’s website when you have agreed to the terms and click [CONFIRM]


Note: Simplex accepts many fiat currencies, for example, if you choose USD, then you will see the choice for Simplex.

4. You can review your order and input your Visa or Mastercard details.


5. Input your billing address and personal details


6. Verify email or phone number and put in the verification code received on the email


7. After verifications, go back to the webpage and click continue.


8. Wait for payment approval and return to Bitget your payment should arrive in your wallet in 30 minutes


If you have further questions, please refer to the Simplex FAQ ( You may also submit a support ticket to the Simplex Support Team if you have questions regarding the Simplex service.


1. Will my bank charge me for a card payment to Simplex?

While we cannot determine for certain whether your bank will charge you with any additional charges, we would like to specify that some banks may place an international transaction charge or a cash advance charge on your card for payments made through us.

We kindly suggest contacting your bank directly to find out more specific information on charges that they might place.

2. What is the minimum order amount on Bitget through Simplex?

The minimum amount to buy is $50

3. What are your supported payment methods?

Currently we support Apple Pay, Visa and Mastercard.

Additionally, you can choose to create a Simplex Account and pay by wire transfer (SEPA or SWIFT).

Simplex accepts credit and debit cards issued by VISA and MasterCard. However, to avoid cash advance fees we recommend using a debit card. Also, we accept some virtual and prepaid cards. It is important to keep in mind that some card issuers and/or banks have their own terms and regulations, and may decline the charge on their side.

Please note that we do not support American Express, Discover or Revolut cards.

For more information about Apple Pay, please read this article.

Additional information about the Simplex Account can be found here.

4. What type of cards are accepted?

We accept all cards issued by Visa and Mastercard. The card should be yours and not a corporate card.

5. Will my bank charge me for a card payment to Simplex?

While we cannot determine for certain whether your bank will charge you with any additional charges, we would like to specify that some banks may place an international transaction charge or a cash advance charge on your card for payments made through us.

We kindly suggest contacting your bank directly to find out more specific information on charges that they might place.

6. Can I use Apple pay and how does it work?

Yes, we do accept Apple pay!

Apple Pay is an easy and secure way to pay and it works with all Apple devices.

Once you reach the check out, you can choose the Apple pay option, this way you will not need to manually fill in your card details.

You can simply click on the Apple Pay button -> Select your card -> Agree to terms and conditions and you are all set!

7. What is the payment process?

To successfully purchase, you would need to issue a payment through our partners or our platform.

Once you are in the platform of your choice, please look for the option to buy with the card.

Once you press on that option, you will be taken to the Simplex checkout page and the payment process will begin.

Our payment process requires you to verify your mobile phone number and your email.

Special codes will be sent to your email address and phone number via an SMS code.

The code needs to be entered on the special pop-up form which appears on the screen accordingly.

During the later stages of the payment, you will be asked to submit a government issued document.

This may be a passport, a driver's license or an ID card.

At some stage of the payment we might also ask you to send a selfie (photo or video) with the card used in the payment.

Both of these requests are to ensure that it is really you who is purchasing and not anybody else on your behalf.

If you have any questions, experiencing difficulties and need assistance during the payment process, please reach out to our support team.

8. What fees do you charge for card payments?

In general, Simplex's fees range between 3.5% - 5% of the transaction value when buying through our partners platforms.

We do apply a minimum fee of 10 USD, which means that if your transaction is for a lower amount, the fee % will be higher than that. Additional fees may be applied if purchasing with a fiat currency other than USD.

In addition to Simplex's fee, in some cases the wallet/site that referred you to the Simplex checkout will also charge a fee for the transaction.

When issuing a purchase from, the transaction fee can range from 13 to 17%.

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