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GET 200$ Free on Bitget P2P! 5$ Free on One P2P trade!

2022-10-20 08:380523


Dear Global Bitgetters,

GET 5$ Free on 20 USDT Purchase on Bitget P2P! Get 2$ More for every friend you refer!

Offer Period: 20th Oct, 08:00 (UTC) 2022 to 30th Oct, 08:00 (UTC) 2022


How to Get 5$ Free on Bitget P2P?

  • Buy at least 20 USDT on Bitget P2P and get 5$ Free on one trade!
  • Please register through the form to get your rewards
  • 10,000 USDT worth of Reward pool up for grabs!

How can I get 200$ Free on Bitget P2P?

  • Invite your friends to take part in the above offer . For every friend you invite you will get 2$.
  • Each person can get upto 200$ in referral rewards. The more you refer, the more you earn.
  • When your friends complete their P2P trade on Bitget P2P, they will get 5$ each and you will get 2$ for each, for every friend you invited.
  • Make sure your friends enter your UID in the referral blank of the form. As shown below.

0% Spot trading fees on Bitget Now!!! Do spot trading with no fees

Login to Bitget > Choose "Buy Crypto" > Choose "P2P Trading" > Choose your market

Click [here] to begin your P2P trading journey!

Terms and Conditions:

  1. All rewards will be distributed to your Bitget account within five working days from when the event ends;
  2. Any participants involved in volume manipulation or any other malicious behavior will be disqualified from the offer;
  3. Bitget reserves the right to disqualify a P2P merchant or a user if he or she engages in any inappropriate, dishonest, or abusive activity (such as wash trading, volume faking, using multiple accounts, market manipulation, etc.);
  4. The trading bonus can offset transaction fees, losses and funding fees. The trading bonus can also be used as a margin to open a position.


Your use of Bitget P2P services and all information and other content (including that of third parties) included in or accessible from the Bitget P2P services is at your sole risk. Bitget is simply a matchmaking platform for buyers and sellers and is not responsible for any asset disputes between them. All payments are final upon completion unless otherwise required by law. Bitget P2P platform has neither the rights nor the obligations to resolve any disputes arising from completed transactions. Neither the Bitget P2P platform nor the merchants are liable for any potential fees or losses incurred during the transaction unless your loss is the result of the merchant's fraud or misrepresentation.

For P2P questions, please email us at anytime.

Bitget Team

October 20, 2022