Grow Your Holdings Extensively With Bitget Earn

Want to put your money to work but don't feel like sitting in front of the screen all day to monitor the 1b8d2ef5-09e3-469e-ba17-f1f85079a1a2? Try our cutting-edge Bitget Earn with Bitget Range Sniper, Bitget Smart Trend, Bitget Dual Investment, and Bitget Shark Fin for safe and impressive wealth building.
Let's see which Bitget Earn product is best for your needs.
Bitget Range Sniper
We have been continuously expanding the variety of investment products on Bitget, with Bitget Range Sniper being the latest introduction. The lowest APR on Bitget Range Sniper up until now is guaranteed at 20% despite your speculation of market sentiment, the highest is up to 500%, and that's why Bitget Range Sniper has become the new obsession of many investors.
Wanna start right now? We’ve got you covered with the most comprehensive guide to Bitget Range Sniper here
Bitget Range Sniper differentiates itself from other earning schemes on Bitget in that the asset to be paid out is flexible. In case the market moves in the opposite direction to your prediction, you'll get the payout in Bitcoin or Ethereum, which is perfect because you can hold them and lock in the profit once prices go up. If prices progress in line with your expectation, your profits will be realized immediately by the payout in USDT. You win, either way.
Bitget Smart Trend
Also allowing investors and technical analysts to ride with the waves is Bitget Smart Trend. Bitget Smart Trend is principal-protected, which means investors have the opportunity to place a bet on BTC/ETH prices of the next seven days without worrying about losses at settlement. You can subscribe to Bitget Smart Trend with Bitcoin or Ethereum or USDT, but the gains are distributed in the form of the asset you use to subscribe. High APR is also to be seen with Bitget Smart Trend; the most recent Bearish ETH investments offer up to 70% and 90% APR.
Source: Bitget Smart Trend
Get ready to lead the pack with Bitget Smart Trend full tutorial here
Bitget Dual Investment
Bitget Dual Investment takes full advantage of the ‘buy low, sell high' strategy. It's designed to provide long-term investors with a 2-in-1 plan; that is, subscribers can buy a cryptocurrency (with stablecoin) and earn interest in that cryptocurrency if its price at the end of the subscription period is equal to lower than their expectations. If the price of that cryptocurrency is eventually higher than the expected price, purchase is not enabled and interests are calculated in stablecoins. That's the Buy Low scenario.
On the other hand, Sell High subscribers will sell their crypto holdings at a favorable price in the future and earn interests in stablecoins. Should markets move against them at the end of the subscription period, no selling is allowed and interests are calculated in the cryptocurrency to be subscribed. In short, users will receive their original holdings plus interests even in disadvantageous conditions.
Imagine planning your long-term crypto investments. You can either let your stables sit there until your limit order is filled or jump to Bitget Dual Investment to make some extra money on the idle funds.
If you need some more in-depth experience, check out this article: Intro to Bitget Dual Investment
Bitget Shark Fin
Bitget Shark Fin is the OG capital-guaranteed structured investment product. There are four rounds of Shark Fin in April, each with full options of earning BTC from BTC deposit, earning BTC from USDT deposit, earning ETH from ETH deposit and earning ETH from USDT deposit. 100% of the cases ended up in the Shark Scenario, which is the scenario with much higher APR, hence subscribers turned out to be winners all the time.
Source: Bitget Shark Fin
Prep yourself before swimming with other sharks: Bitget Shark Fin Introduction
Final Words
The charm of Bitget Earn is irresistible. In May only, the total fund subscribed to these four products amounted to US$10.5 million. Bitget Shark Fin is the most popular one not only in terms of the total amount subscribed but also pertaining to the number of subscribers. The second best option for long-term investors is Bitget Dual Investment, whilst it's Bitget Smart Trend for farmers. No matter where you are on your crypto journey, Bitget can always offer you valuable assistance with our extensive range of products as well as 24/7 support in your native language!
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are for informational purposes only. This article does not constitute an endorsement of any of the products and services discussed or investment, financial, or trading advice. Qualified professionals should be consulted prior to making financial decisions.
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