Cheapest Way to Buy Crypto in India without P2P on Bitget

Want to buy crypto from INR but want to avoid P2P ? Now you can do it on Bitget. It's also the cheapest method to purchase crypto with INR!
With the number of issues, scams, and fraudulent activities increasing on large exchanges, especially P2P, it has become tough to access buy crypto with INR. More so, even so expensive that it's not economically viable to deposit withdraw INR. But we have a solution for you which is the fastest, simplest and cheapest options out there!
You can buy crypto from VISA or Mastercard [debit and credit] or use third party payment providers supporting Bitget such as Simplex, Banxa, Mercuryo and many more.
This article provides step by step guide
Option 1: VISA or Mastercard
Simplest, fastest and cheapest way to buy crypto on Bitget from INR is through VISA or Mastercard. You get crypto INR rates lower than that of p2p markets.
Here is a side by side comparison of USDT price from P2P and when purchasing through VISA or mastercard.
How to:
1. Login to you Bitget account
2. Find the Buy Crypto button on the navigation bar. Choose Credit/Debit Card.
3. Choose local by clicking on the drop down menu
4. Select crypto you want to buy eg USDT or BTC etc
5. Enter INR amount of crypto you want to buy eg 10,000INR
6. Select the “Add new card” option (KYC mandatory)
7. Fill your name address and card details
8. Click on the “Buy” button and you’ll have a preview of unit price, fees and crypto quantity. Click on the “Confirm”. (price updates every 60 sec)
9. You will be redirected to the bank's OTP page. You will receive a confirmation email from Bitget once your asset is credited.
Option 2: Third-Party
Bitget supports third-party service providers like Simplex, Banxa.
Here is a side by side comparison of USDT price from P2P and when purchasing through Third Party such as simplex
1. Login to your Bitget account and click [Buy crypto] - [Third-party Payment] from the top navigation bar.
2. Select the crypto you want to buy eg USDT,BTC etc and change the local currency to INR from the drop down menu. Input INR amount. Here in the example I am buying USDT worth of 10,000 INR
3. Select any preferred payment method and third party from the list. In this example I am using VISA and Simplex. Verify the unit price and quantity of crypto.
4. You will be redirected to the third party portal. Here I am redirected to simplex checkout page. Verify order summary, add card details, click on “Next” and complete the transaction on the bank's page.
You will receive email from Simplex once the transaction is completed and a confirmation email from Bitget once your asset is credited.
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