Understanding Bitget's Auto-borrow and Auto-repay Features

Bitget spot margin trading allows you to quickly open or close positions without needing manual borrowing or repayment, making it easier to magnify your potential profits!
With our auto-borrow and auto-repay features, you can trade smarter when you make spot margin trades.
The auto-borrow feature is initiated by default and can increase your spot margin trading volume, thereby maximizing your potential profits.
Simply set your trading volume by setting a percentage or entering a value, and you are ready to place an order.
You can control the borrowing limit by adjusting the leverage multiplier, and the system will borrow the corresponding amount when you place an order.
The auto-repay feature allows you to quickly close positions and repay loans without manual intervention.
In both cross margin and isolated margin modes, just tap Assets and select Quick Repay to complete the repayment.
In isolated margin mode, you can also select Positions and then Close at market price to close positions and repay loans.
Transfer > Trade > Repay—With just three steps, our auto-repay and auto-borrow features make spot margin trading as easy as spot trading!
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