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Your One-Stop Trading Bot - Bitget Smart Portfolio
2023-09-12 | 5m
With our recent release of Auto-Invest, Bitget has made automated trading as hands-free as possible. And now, we have made it even more accessible by introducing Smart Portfolio, our pre-defined investment plan that only takes one click to supercharge your
crypto trading journey.
What is Smart Portfolio?
Smart Portfolio is smart recommendations found in Bitget's auto-invest bots. Our recommended portfolios comprise leading tokens in a particular domain or sector at a certain weight, offering diversification while effectively mitigating the risk.
Understanding and using a Smart Portfolio is of utmost importance for the average user seeking gains in the ever-changing crypto market. However, with the constant proliferation of various projects, trading has become more challenging, and differences in returns between projects have also been exacerbated.
What does Bitget Smart Portfolio offer?
Calculated Weight: The coins and their weight proportions in the Smart Portfolio are carefully assessed and rigorously selected through a comprehensive evaluation, strict screening, and historical data analysis by Bitget's team.
One-stop, in One Click: You can select your favorite Smart Portfolio based on returns and the number of users. Simply fill in the investment amount and start investing in a diversified, balanced portfolio with a single click.
Risk Mitigation: Users have different risk appetites, and Bitget offers Smart Portfolios with different risk levels to cater to users with different risk profiles. They are categorized into three main types: low risk, medium risk, and high risk, with investment returns ranging from low to high depending on the risk level. Whether you are a conservative user or an aggressive user, you can find the right portfolio for you.
Diversification: Smart Portfolio recommendations encompass a collection of assets from single or multiple domains, providing users with diversified choices. Bitget will continue to introduce more bots in response to market fluctuations.
Pick your first portfolio
Register or log in to your Bitget account. Head to
Homepage >
Bots, and click
Smart Portfolio.

Look to
Recommended portfolio on the right and select the corresponding recommended card based on the coins they offer and ROI. Click
Use to view the specific
cryptocurrency composition and the corresponding weight proportions.

Set your time of execution and interval, fill in your investment amount, tick the box if you wish this bot to terminate when you have insufficient balance, and click
Create to launch your first smart trading bot!
To learn more about the relevant parameters, view
Spot auto-invest parameters explained
Go to
your trading bot page to see your current bots. You can also view the
Bot Details or choose
Smart Portfolio is a trading tool. The abovementioned information should not be regarded as financial or investment advice provided by Bitget. Smart Portfolio returns may be impacted by one-sided market conditions or improper price interval settings. You can adjust your Smart Portfolio strategy according to market conditions. Your use of this tool is subject to your unconditional acceptance of all the Terms and Conditions of Bitget. You should be fully aware of the risks associated with cryptocurrency investments and proceed with caution. You agree that all investments conducted on reflect your genuine investment intent, and you unconditionally accept the potential risks and gains of your investment decisions.
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