How to Verify Your Assets in Bitget?
Security has always been and will continue to be Bitget's first priority. Therefore, we have established a multitude of protective measures to protect the user's assets and we are transparent about them. One of the outstanding practices currently implemented is Bitget's reserves.
Proof of Reserves (POR)
Bitget's reserves ensure that 100% of users' assets are safe and that Bitget encounters no issue whenever the users want to withdraw 100% of their assets.
With the aim to demonstrate that the reserves are indeed genuine, accurate, and verifiable, all details relating to the reserves, including the Proof of Reserves, are transparent and available on our website here.
Snapshot of every wallet on Bitget is taken and published monthly on an anonymous basis to procure privacy, transparency, and security at the same time. That being said, each user can easily verify the state of their assets and the corresponding reserves with their own account.
Read more: Merkle Tree Proof-Of-Reserves (PoR)
How to Verify Your Assets and Proof Of Reserves (PoR)
Step 1
Log in, then go to the "Proof of Assets" page, where snapshots of the platform's monthly audits are displayed. Click on the audit you want to view the details.
Step 2
If you want to further verify whether your assets have been included in the Merkle tree, you can scroll down and click "Go verify" for hash calculation.
Step 3
A Merkle tree will show. The top of the Merkle tree is the root node, and the nodes below are the leaf nodes, one of which is where your account is located. If the root hash value of the Merkle tree matches the root hash that the platform has announced for the current month, it means your assets are included in the Merkle tree and are secured.
Step 4
If you are extra careful and want to manually verify that your assets are indeed included in the Merkle tree, you can click "Download the data" to get the data for further inspection.
Step 5
Run the Bitget open-source verification tool “MerkleValidator”. If the data passes the verification, it means that your assets are included in the Merkle tree snapshot. In that case, the result will be "Consistent with the Merkle tree root hash. The verification succeeds".
If the verification fails, the result will show as "Inconsistent with the Merkle tree root hash. The verification fails".
Simply create an account, and start exploring the incredible Bitget-Verse today!
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