Bitget launches Index Futures - start trading BGHOT10!
Global Bitgetters,
We’re proud to announce the release of Index Futures, Bitget’s answer for investors who want to diversify their portfolios and reduce exposure in the market. The first Index Futures contract is BGHOT10. For more details, keep reading.
What is a BGHOT10?
BGHOT10 is an Index Futures contract that uses USDT as the settlement currency. The perpetual contract comprises a series of hot coins selected by the Bitget platform and is comprehensively priced according to market weight.
BGHOT10’s selected hot coins have high investor attention, high transaction volume, and potentially large swings. Behind each selected currency is also technological innovation that was evaluated as worthy of long-term investment.
As always, we urge every user to research and understand their risk tolerance and financial objectives before trading on the platform. For more information, please read our Risk Disclosure.
View the constituent currencies of the BGHOT10 and their weight allocation here.
The upside of BGHOT10
Keen-eyed investors may find that BGHOT10 Index Futures doesn’t include BTC and ETH, the most popular cryptocurrencies in the space. This is a deliberate choice: if BTC or ETH were added, the huge market value of these two currencies would squeeze the weight of other currencies.
Although an investor could wisely invest directly in BTC or ETH, BGHOT10 offers a representative composition of other large-cap cryptocurrencies. As we move forward, we hope to provide users with more trading options, and we are proud to offer BGHOT10 as the first contract in Index Futures.