Bitget Market Update (2022-06-30)
The global cryptocurrency market cap is standing at $871B, meaning a 2.82% decrease from the previous day according to Coinmarketcap data. The total 24-hr Trading Volume for all Cryptocurrencies stood at $61.5B - a 2.7% increase from the volume of the previous day.
Bitcoin (BTC) has traded between the price of $19,476.81and $20,357.00within the last 24 hours, as of 07:00 AM (UTC) Bitcoin is trading at the price of $19,473.86 which shows a 2.55% decrease from the last 24hrs, according to Coinmarketcap data.
Most major cryptocurrencies by market cap are increasing in value. Today’s Top 3 Gainers of the market include:
1st Place
FORT/USDT: Up by 41.2%
Forta is a real-time detection network for security operational monitoring of blockchain activity. Forta is a decentralized, community-based monitoring network to detect threats and anomalies on DeFi, NFT, governance, bridges and other Web3 systems in real-time. With a trading volume of $2,282,020.46, forta is trading at the market price of $0.3009.
2nd Place
SD/USDT: Up by 31.34%
Stader (SD) token is the native governance and value accrual token for Stader. Stader has established key mechanics that make SD tokens intrinsically tied to the Stader platform. With a current market cap of $4,293,393.49 and a total trading volume of $3,236,365.44, Stader is trading at a current marke t price of $0.727
3rd Place
VGX/USDT: Up by 24.25%
Voyager Token is a cryptocurrency broker that provides investors with a trusted and secure access point to crypto asset trading. Voyager is built to serve both retail and institutional investors with a nigh-instant solution for trading crypto assets. With a market cap of $97,768,197.03 and a total trading volume of $33,365,788.06, Voyager is trading at a current market price of $0.3412.
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